Anukul Ghimire
ISN-GKHA Named Fellow
Dr. Anukul Ghimire is currently a Trainee Member of the ISN, enrolled in the Adult Nephrology program at the University of Calgary. He has been awarded the title of ISN-GKHA Named Fellow for the work that he has done for the ISN-Global Kidney Health Atlas (ISN-GKHA) group. He is also heavily involved with the planned publications, specifically lead author of ‘Global variations in funding and use of hemodialysis accesses: An international report using the ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas,’ co-author of ‘Organization and structures for detection and monitoring of CKD across world countries and regions: Observational data from a global survey,’ ‘Temporal trends in the organization of, and structures for kidney care delivery between 2019 and 2023: Findings from a multinational survey of 148 countries,’ and ‘Capacity for the management of kidney failure in the International Society of Nephrology North America and the Caribbean region: Report from the 2023 ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas (ISN-GKHA);’ he is also group co-author on the other nine ISN regional publications.
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