Winston Fung
ISN-GKHA Named Fellow
Dr. Winston Fung is a nephrologist, a Fellow of the ISN, and was a member of the 2022 cohort of the ISN Emerging Leaders Program. He has been awarded the title of ISN-GKHA Named Fellow for the active role that he has played in the 2023 iteration of the ISN-GKHA (Global Kidney Health Atlas). He is also heavily involved with the planned publications, specifically lead author of ‘Capacity for the management of kidney failure in the International Society of Nephrology North and East Asia region: Report from the 2023 ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas (ISN-GKHA),’ group co-author on the other nine ISN regional papers, and co-author of ‘Organization and structures for detection and monitoring of CKD across world countries and regions: Observational data from a global survey.’
Access to ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas (ISN-GKHA) information and resources.