Mohamed Abdalbary

Mohamed Abdalbary


ISN Fellowship Award: 2nd Place

ISN Fellowship Awards recognize the three top-scored WCN’23 abstracts submitted by recent ISN Fellows.

Dr. Mohamed Abdalbary graduated from Mansoura Medical School then completed his residency in Mansoura University Hospitals, in Egypt. He obtained a master’s degree in Internal Medicine (Nephrology) with a thesis studying vascular calcification in patients on hemodialysis. After that, he worked as Assistant Lecturer and Nephrology Specialist at Mansoura University Hospitals. He completed the short-term ERA-EDTA Clinical Fellowship in PD and Interventional Nephrology at the Verona University Hospital in Italy.

Dr. Abdalbary completed his ISN Fellowship in the Nephrology, Bone and Mineral Metabolism Department of the University of Kentucky in the USA. The ISN Fellowship was very successful on a research and clinical basis by increasing his experience and interest in the CKD-MBD Field. In Mansoura, they have an ongoing sistership with the University of Kentucky under the ISN SRC Program, which is allowing him and his colleagues to obtain knowledge and experience and to spread it to their local community. Dr. Adbalbary recently passed the final exams for PhD/Doctorate’s Degree in Nephrology.

Dr. Abdalbary comments on his award, “I would like to thank the ISN for this award and more importantly for its ongoing support to Nephrologists from low-resource countries.”

Dr. Abdalbary’s abstract: Kidney Function is a Determinant of Bone Loss in Patients with Mild to Moderate CKD and Bone Biopsy Proven Osteoporosis.

The Fellowship Awards will be presented in the Oral Abstracts and ISN Awards 3: Fellowship Awards session taking place Saturday, April 1, 2023, 15:45-16:45 Bangkok time, in MR 110 ABC.