Geraldo Bezerra da Silva Junior
ISN Clinical Research Award: 3rd Place
ISN Clinical Research Awards recognize the three top-scored WCN’23 abstracts related to projects funded by the ISN Clinical Research Program.
Dr. Geraldo Bezerra da Silva Junior is a nephrologist and Full Professor at the University of Fortaleza in the Medical School and the Public Health and Medical Sciences Graduate Programs, in Fortaleza, Brazil, and the Director of the Department of Epidemiology and Kidney Disease Prevention of the Brazilian Society of Nephrology. He is also a Fellow of the International Society of Nephrology (FISN).
Dr. Bezerra da Silva Junior graduated in 2005 from the Federal University of Ceará, in Fortaleza city, Brazil, and then completed residencies in Internal Medicine at the Hospital Geral Cesar Cals and Nephrology at the Walter Cantídio University Hospital, both in Fortaleza city. He completed master and PhD studies in Medical Sciences at the Federal University of Ceará, and post-doctoral study in Public Health/Epidemiology at the Federal University of Bahia, Salvador city, Brazil. He focuses his studies on epidemiology of CKD, raising awareness of kidney disease among the Brazilian population. He also develops studies on tropical diseases which complicates with kidney injury.
Dr. Bezerra da Silva Junior’s abstract: Online Health Education for Patients with Kidney Disease in the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Renal Health Instagram Analysis.
The Clinical Research Awards will be presented in the ISN Awards Session 2: Roscoe R. Robinson Award and Schrier Award session on Saturday, April 1, 2023, 11:45-12:45, in MR 110 ABC.