Anh Nguyen

Anh Nguyen


ISN Fellowship Award: 1st Place

ISN Fellowship Awards recognize the three top-scored WCN’23 abstracts submitted by recent ISN Fellows.

Dr. Anh Nguyen is working as a nephrologist at Cho Ray Hospitaland as a senior lecturer at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. She trained as an ISN fellow from 2016-2017 at Westmead Hospital, in Sydney, Australia, with a focus mainly on general nephrology and dialysis, and partly on kidney transplantation. The connection between the Cho Ray Hospital and Westmead Hospital has been supported by the ISN Sister Renal Centers (SRC) Program.

Since 2021, she has been doing research under A/Prof. V. Lee of Westmead Hospital through the ISN Mentorship Program, maintaining the sustainable connection between the SRC-pair. She is currently involved in the PhD program in Vietnam and her thesis is about genetic testing in lupus kidney disease. She hopes that newly acquired advances overseas will be applied to change the local practice of nephrology in Vietnam and make life better for patients with kidney diseases.

Dr. Nguyen comments, “My journey with the ISN has been joyful and heartening so far.”

Dr. Nguyen’s abstract: Association of Climate on End Stage Kidney Failure in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease in Australia: A 30-Year Database Study.

The Fellowship Awards will be presented in the Oral Abstracts and ISN Awards 3: Fellowship Awards session taking place Saturday, April 1, 2023, 15:45-16:45 Bangkok time, in MR 110 ABC.