Alexandre Loupy

Alexander Loupy


2022 KI Best Reviewer

KI reviewers were evaluated by the number of reviews they completed in 2022, the quality of each review as assessed by the Kidney International Associate Editors, and the length of time manuscripts were under review.

Dr. Alexandre Loupy is a Professor of Nephrology and Epidemiology at University Paris Cité and head of the Paris Expertise Centre for Organ Transplantation in PARCC UMR 970, in Paris, France. He is also a practitioner in the Kidney Transplant Department at the Necker–Enfants Malades Hospital in Paris, and adjunct Professor at Cedars-Sinai, UCLA, in Los Angeles, California, USA. He has been the Scientific Director of the International Banff Classification since 2015, is an expert for the FDA, a member of the American Society of Transplantation, and is involved in the French Society of Transplantation and in the European Society of Transplantation.

Dr. Loupy defended two PhDs: cell biology in 2011 and biostatistics in 2014. His research focuses on artificial intelligence and multi-organ transplantation analytics; it covers allograft transplantation, rejection, antibodies, and population sciences. He has authored 324 publications, 5 patents and software protections, and given 32 international invited talks since 2006. He is PI of national (RHU KTD-innov, iTRANSPLANT, Prix Emergence de la Ville de Paris, Prix Emergence en Recherche IdEX) and international grants (H2020 EU-TRAIN).

Dr. Loupy has received multiple awards for his work, the most recent of which are: Award of the ESOT European Society for Organ Transplantation (most impactful research team, 2021, 2019, 2017); MIT & Stanford University: Challenges and Opportunities in Organ Allocation (2021); US National Academies of Sciences – committee (2021); Paul I Terasaki Clinical Sciences Award (2020); French National Academy of Medicine Award: prix de Académie de Médecine (2018); Clinical science investigator award: American Society of Transplantation (2017).

The KI Best Reviewers will be acknowledged in the Editors’ Pick of ISN Journals: KI and KIR session taking place Saturday, April 1, 2023, 08:30-10:00 Bangkok time, in MR 110 ABC.