Watch the WCN’22 speaker video interviews to find out why these health care practitioners chose their professions and get a sneak preview of the topics they will present at the congress. The videos are presented in either Arabic, English, Portuguese, or Spanish.
Pre-congress interview with
ISN President, Prof. Agnes Fogo (English)
Pre-congress interview with
KI Editor in Chief, Prof. Pierre Ronco (English)
Pre-congress interview with
Kam Kalantar (English)
Pre-congress interview with
Mohammed Hani Hafez (English)
Pre-congress interview with
Mohammed Hani Hafez (Arabic)
Pre-congress interview with
Divya Bajpai
Pre-congress interview with
Samira Bell (English)
Pre-congress interview with
Liz Lightstone (English)
Pre-congress interview with
Abhilash Koratala (English)
Pre-congress interview with
Magdy El-Sharkawy (English)
Pre-congress interview with
Magdy El-Sharkawy (Arabic)
Pre-congress interview with
Valerie Luyckx (English)
Pre-congress interview with
Rachael Morton (English)
Pre-congress interview with
Elena Zakharova (English)
Pre-congress interview with
Urmila Anandh (English)
Pre-congress interview with
Paul Komenda (English)
Pre-congress interview with
Roser Torra (English)
Pre-congress interview with
Carmen Avila-Casado(English)
Pre-congress interview with
Carmen Avila-Casado(Spanish)
Pre-congress interview with
Francesca Mallamaci (English)
Pre-congress interview with
Geraldo Bezerra da Silva Jr (English)
Pre-congress interview with
Geraldo Bezerra da Silva Jr (Portuguese)