Members - Peter Rossing

Peter Rossing


Best Abstract Award

New for WCN’25, the ISN Best Abstract Awards are presented to the top three abstracts submitted by WCN’25 registrants as selected by the WCN Abstract Committee.

Professor Peter Rossing is head of complications research, and a chief physician at the Steno Diabetes Center in Copenhagen, Denmark. He is a clinician researcher devoted to complications in diabetes with focus on kidney and cardiovascular complications. He obtained a specialist degree in internal medicine and endocrinology in 2004. He has been a chief physician and manager of the Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen research team since 2007, dedicated to the research of micro-and macrovascular complications of diabetes. He has also been a Professor in diabetic angiopathy at University of Copenhagen since 2012.

In epidemiological studies , Professor Rossing has investigated key features of the pathophysiology of the diabetic kidney at different stages. He has identified several markers for development of diabetic nephropathy, making it possible to predict the individual risk. He has been involved in several intervention studies in patients with overt diabetic nephropathy aimed at improving the prognosis.

Professor Rossing was coordinator of the EU FP7 project PRIORITY, demonstrating that urinary proteomics can be used to stratify prevention of kidney complications in type 2 diabetes; the Novo Nordisk Foundation grant PROTON, aimed at personalizing prevention of diabetic nephropathy; and the STENO1 study on multifactorial intervention to reduce cardiovascular disease in type 1 diabetes. He has also been a member of several trial steering groups and guideline committees.

Professor Rossing has co-authored >750 papers. He received the Minkowski prize in 2005 and the Golgi prize in 2016 both from the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) and the E. Bierman award from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the Hormon Medal from European Society of Endocrinology. He is past president of the Danish Endocrine Society and of the European Diabetic Nephropathy Study group, and chairman of the Danish National Diabetes Registry.

Abstract: Cumulative Effects of the Aldosterone Synthase Inhibitor Vicadrostat Combined With Empagliflozin on Albuminuria In People With CKD