Members - Pankaj Jawandhiya

Pankaj Jawandhiya


Best Abstract Award

New for WCN’25, the ISN Best Abstract Awards are presented to the top three abstracts submitted by WCN’25 registrants as selected by the WCN Abstract Committee.

Dr Pankaj Jawandhiya is a director of the nephrology and renal transplant program at New Era Hospital and Kidney Cure Clinic in Nagpur, India. He was an assistant professor in the Department of Nephrology at Government Medical College and Super Speciality Hospital in Nagpur. He played a key role in starting a dialysis and transplant program in the hospital, which helped needy and poor patients of the region, and was also teaching faculty involved in the training of medical residents.

Dr Jawandhiya completed his medical school training in Nagpur, and received his MD from Topiwala National Medical College and Bai Yamunabai Laxman Nair Charitable Hospital in Mumbai. He completed a DM in nephrology from Bombay Hospital Institute of Medical Sciences, one of the premier institutes in India for nephrology. He completed a fellowship in clinical nephrology from The Ottawa Hospital in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, where he gained experience in western nephrology practice.

Dr Jawandhiya is currently joint secretary of The Nephrology Society, a group of practicing nephrologists and clinicians of Central India. He has publications in various national and international journals, and believes in health care access for all. He is also involved in social responsibility by raising his voice against fairness cream which can lead to kidney damage due to its high mercury content.

Abstract: THSD7A-Thrombospondin Positive Membranous Nephropathy With Sjogren’s Syndrome: A Case Report