Jessica Bravo Zúñiga
Best Abstract Award
New for WCN’25, the ISN Best Abstract Awards are presented to the top three abstracts submitted by WCN’25 registrants as selected by the WCN Abstract Committee.
Professor Jessica Bravo Zúñiga is a specialist in nephrology at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia and a nephrologist at the Edgardo Rebagliati Martins Hospital in Peru. She is a professor of nephrology at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and an associate researcher at the Institute for Health Technology Assessment and Research (IETSI).
Professor Bravo Zúñiga has a master’s degree in clinical epidemiology, as well as a doctorate in medicine. She is a member of the SLANH Renal Health Committee and the ISN.
Abstract: Prognostic Trajectories of Kidney Failure and Competing Risks Across CKD Stages in Peru: Findings From a National Surveillance Program