Members - Ariela Benigni

Ariela Benigni


Alfred N. Richards Award

The Alfred Newton Richards Award recognizes outstanding basic research in fields relevant to nephrology.

Professor Ariela Benigni is Scientific Secretary and Research Coordinator at Bergamo sites of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, in Bergamo, Italy.

Professor Benigni spent time training abroad in Strasbourg, London (UK), and Boston (USA). She has held distinguished positions internationally, including Senior Fellow in Obstetric Medicine at University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, and is currently appointed as Italian Delegate of the Horizon Europe Program Committee, Health Cluster 2021-2027.

Professor Benigni’s team identified vasoactive and inflammatory mediators of renal damage in experimental and human progressive renal diseases. Recent interests of her group focus on looking at therapies to halt renal disease progression or even induce kidney regeneration by multidrug approach as well as stem cell therapy.

Professor Benigni acted as Associate and Academic Editor of several international journals and is currently the Editor-in-Chief of Nephron. She has published over 350 articles, belonged to Program Committees for international nephrology meetings, received many national and international awards, and belongs to the Top Italian Women Scientists groups. In addition, she dedicates much of her time to the growth of young scientific investigators.

Professor Benigni will receive her award during WCN Plenary Session 3 on Saturday, February 8, 2025, from 11:45-12:45 p.m. India Standard Time in Auditorium Brahmkamal Hall.