
“The Silent Killer That Needs Our Voice” – Awareness-Raising Editorial by ISN President Published in the Journal of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin

An editorial by ISN President Professor Agnes Fogo has been published in the winter edition of the Journal of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (JAAPI). Read the open-access article here. "Kidney Disease: The Silent Killer That Needs Our Voice" includes the most recent data on the burden of kidney disease, raising awareness of...

Join the WCN’23 Social Media Team and Young Nephrologists in the First ISN Congress Twitter Space as They Discuss the Scientific Program, Activities and Much More!

Hear from Young Nephrologists Committee members* in conversation with the WCN'23 Social Media Team members in the lead-up to ISN's annual World Congress. Access the Twitter Space conversation here on February 28 at 11 p.m. CET or March 1 at 9 a.m. AEDT. * Marina Wainsein, Sabine Karam, Kornchanok Vareesangthip, Yannick Nlandu, and Jonathan Chàvez

Latest ISN Journal Editorial Selections

 Kidney International: Results From Part A of the Multi-center, Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Nefigard Trial, Which Evaluated Targeted-release Formulation of Budesonide for the Treatment of Primary Immunoglobulin A Nephropathy To verify the findings of the 2b NEFIGAN trial, the phase 3 NefigArd trial tested the efficacy and safety of nine months of treatment with Nefecon® versus placebo...

ISN Response to the Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

The ISN is intensely saddened by the updates on the catastrophic earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. Our thoughts are with the people affected by this tragedy, and our condolences go to the victims’ families and friends. As a professional medical society, the ISN has been in active communication with kidney health professionals on the ground to...

A Snapshot of the Burden of Kidney Disease and Care Status Worldwide: Look Out for the Launch of the 2023 ISN-Global Kidney Health Atlas at WCN’23

The ISN-Global Kidney Health Atlas (ISN-GKHA) provides a snapshot of health system characteristics and elements specific to chronic kidney disease (CKD) and kidney failure across countries and regions according to the WHO's “building blocks” of health systems. The atlas is updated every four years. Look out for the launch of the third edition of the...

Krithika Mohan on Women Empowering Women at the World Congress of Nephrology

Women's representation in academic medicine has been dismal for several decades. This is quite obvious concerning job opportunities, promotions and leadership roles. But what do we know about female attendance at conferences - a criterion often used to assess career development?   The World Congress of Nephrology (WCN) is one of the largest global kidney care...

WCN’23 for the Data Enthusiast: Elliot Tannor on Why You Should Join the Workshop on Renal Registries

Once again, there is a global gathering of nephrologists and stakeholders interested in promoting kidney health and kidney disease management - this year in Bangkok, Thailand. The World Congress of Nephrology (WCN) presents a prime opportunity to help advance renal registries worldwide. The SHARing Expertise to support the set-up of Renal Registries (SharE-RR) session takes...

Bringing Genomic Medicine to the Bedside – Ali Gharavi on Genome Sequencing for Better Diagnosis and Treatment of Kidney Diseases

Ali Gharavi will present the WCN'23 Brenner/Dirks Lecture "Genomic Medicine for Kidney Diseases: Lessons Learned From IgAN for Disease Pathophysiology and Management" at 10:30 on March 31.  The ISN asked Dr. Gharavi about his research on genetics, the relevance of his work to nephrologists and his expectations for the future of kidney care.  What question or...

Sharing, Socialising, and Quizzing – Krissia Wallbach-Massai on YNC Activities at WCN’23, and Why it’s an Extra Special Edition

By YNC member Krissia Wallbach-Massai (Brazil)  The ISN Young Nephrologists Committee (YNC) is pleased to announce a fantastic program of activities for WCN’23 in Bangkok!  After a long COVID-19-imposed break, we can finally meet in person again – and we are so excited about it! Despite having worked together on many projects over the past few...

Know Your Thai Etiquette: A Native’s Guide to Fitting in With the Locals at WCN’23!

Sa-Wad-Dee Ka!  Welcome to Krung Thep (Bangkok), Thailand, future WCN'23 delegates!   My name is Sinee. In Thailand, we usually go by our first names since our last ones are often long and more difficult to remember or pronounce. Yes, the pronunciation of Thai last names is difficult even for us! So don’t worry; we will certainly...

New Global Kidney Care Podcast Out Now: Tune in for a Discussion on Complement-mediated Kidney Diseases From a Panel of Experts

Dr. Nick Medjeral-Thomas (UK) hosts this edition of the ISN Global Kidney Care Podcast. He joins fellow nephrologists Dr. Namrata Parikh (Canada) and Dr. Gary Chan (Hong Kong) to discuss the diagnosis and management of complement-mediated kidney diseases. All three are involved in developing the ISN Complement-mediated Kidney Disease Toolkit, launched in 2022. Listen to...

The Younger Generation Takes a Stance: Inaugural Meeting of the WHO Youth Council

Members of the WHO Youth Council at their inaugural meeting at the WHO headquarters in Geneva in January By Marina Wainstein, ISN Young Nephrologists Committee chair and Advocacy Working Group member  From January 27 to 30, the World Health Organization in Geneva hosted the inaugural meeting of the WHO Youth Council. The council was created as a...

KDIGO Controversies Conference on Home Dialysis

Home Dialysis: Conclusions From a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference The level of home dialysis use worldwide is low despite its association with greater patient autonomy and treatment satisfaction compared with in-center modalities. In May 2021, KDIGO held a conference focusing on determining dialysis modality choice and distribution and strategies to expand home...

From Ph.D. to PD-First Policies – Yot Teerawattananon on his WCN’23 Stewart Cameron Lecture

As highlighted in the recent pre-congress newsletter, Yot Teerawattananon talked to the ISN about his role in developing a public health assessment program in Thailand and gave us a sneak preview of his Stewart Cameron Lecture, "Dispelling the Myths of Providing Dialysis in Low- and Middle-income Countries." What led you to set up a health and...

Watch Two Ground-breaking Films From the 1970s on Vascular-Tubular Relationships in the Mammalian Kidney

Two classic films are now available to watch on the ISN Academy: "The Human Kidney: Tubules, Blood Vessels and Vascular-Tubular Relations" and "The Vascular and Tubular Organization of the (Dog) Kidney" These historical, yet clinically still relevant, films were independently produced in 1975 by members of the Department of Physiology at Harvard Medical School.* They illustrate the highly...

“I Feel Responsible for Engaging the Next Generation of Students”- Javier Neyra on Prioritizing Capacity Building in Research

By Javier Neyra, ISN YNC member Over the past year, I've had the opportunity to lead efforts by the Capacity Building Sub-committee of the ISN Young Nephrology Committee (YNC). Young nephrologists worldwide have consistently highlighted the need to build capacity in research, particularly for those practicing in developing countries with limited scholarly resources. Therefore, one of...

Encouraging Emergency Preparedness, UHC and Routine Kidney Assessments – the ISN Makes Its Voice Count at the 152nd Session of the WHO Executive Board

The ISN submitted three statements supporting global kidney health when it participated in the 152nd session of the World Health Organization’s Executive Board from January 30 to February 7, 2023. This annual meeting gathers WHO executive board members at the start of each year to agree on World Health Assembly agenda resolutions for consideration by...

International Experts to Guide Scientific Paper Writing in Turkey at ISN Scientific Writing Course

A three-day ISN Scientific Writing Course (SWC) will be held in Istanbul, Turkey, from February 16 to 18. Find out more about the ISN SWC here. Cohosted by the Balkan Cities Association of Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation and Artificial Organs (BANTAO) and the Turkish Society of Nephrology, this will be the first ISN Scientific Writing Course to...

Improve the Detection and Management of NCDs in Your Region: Submit Your Proposal by April 1 for an ISN Clinical Research Grant

Read the application guidelines and eligibility criteria here or apply directly here if you are an ISN member.  The ISN Clinical Research Program supports research and education initiatives that help detect and manage non-communicable chronic diseases such as CKD, AKI, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease in low-income, lower-middle-income, and upper-middle-income countries. The deadline to apply is May 1, but proposals...