
Sept 30, 2024

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Let’s Make Kidney Disease a Global Priority –
Sign and Share the ISN's Petition
Help us reach 1 million signatures by the end of the year!
Thank you for your support!
Add Your Voice to ISN Committees and Working Groups to Help Shape the Future of Global Kidney Care 
Seize the opportunity to collaborate with experts, share your knowledge, and drive initiatives to transform global kidney care – apply to join ISN committees and working groups.
The ISN Supports Nephropathology Workshop Strengthening Kidney Care Capacity in East Africa  
The workshop's organizing secretary, Mary Kubo, commented, “Participants left with a renewed commitment to improving nephrology services in their countries. We are extremely grateful to the ISN for the support of this inaugural workshop.”
Five Ways the ISN is Advancing Sustainable Kidney Care 
The ISN strives to be at the forefront of creating a sustainable future for kidney care. Here are five key initiatives driving sustainable, efficient, and environmentally conscious practices in kidney health.
Mark your calendars: Upcoming events and deadlines!
Register for
WCN'25 at
the early bird rate:
November 6, 2024
FISN status:
November 30, 2024 
ISN Community
Film Event -
submit your film by:
November 11, 2024