Cardio-Kidney-Metabolic Initiative

Kidney diseases are intricately linked to increased morbidity with, and mortality from, other diseases and infections. An integrated approach to noncommunicable disease (NCD) prevention and management that recognizes the burden of kidney disease and concomitant co-morbidities is critical to ensure no disease is left behind.

Since 2022, the ISN has led a cardio-kidney-metabolic initiative, bringing together nephrologists and cardiologists to identify existing gaps related to targets for therapy, optimal management, and barriers to implementation. The aim is to fill these gaps by developing toolkits to support clinicians and advance care for individuals living with cardio-kidney-metabolic conditions and complications.

Roadmap to Persons Living with Cardio-Kidney-Metabolic Conditions

To guide our work, we have developed an interactive roadmap, which provides clinicians with an overview of the management of individuals living with cardio-kidney-metabolic conditions and complications. Visit the roadmap here.

Access the toolkits

The optimization of RAASi therapy and management of related complications was selected as the first implementation activity of the roadmap given the significant unmet need in this area, and the underutilization of RAASi therapy. The toolkit aims to provide focused, up-to-date, practical tools, and serve as a hands-on reference for nephrologists and cardiologists, as well as other healthcare professionals, involved in the multidisciplinary care of patients with cardio-renal complications.

Five educational and clinical tools were developed on the following topics: nuts-and-bolts of RAASi therapy; management of hyperkalemia; diet; managing acute declines in eGFR; and, patient knowledge.

NEW: A brand new tool on indications for MRAs in the management of cardio-kidney risk has just been added. Access it here.

Access the entire optimization of RAASi therapy toolkit here.

The toolkit on the optimization of SGLT2i therapy was the next output selected for the cardio-kidney-metabolic initiative.

The toolkit contains focused and practical infographics on:

  • Nuts and Bolts of SGLT2i Therapy in the Intersection of Kidney and Cardiovascular Disease
  • Practical Points for SGLT2 Inhibitor Usage
  • Mitigate Adverse Effects of SGLT2 Inhibitors
  • SGLT2 Inhibitor Cold Map
  • Talking to Your Patients About SGLT2 Inhibitor Therapy
  • Understanding SGLT2 Inhibitor Therapy

Access the optimization of SGLT2i therapy toolkit here.

The Cardio-Kidney-Metabolic Initiative is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from


The Cardio-Kidney-Metabolic Initiative was developed with support from unrestricted educational grants from AstraZeneca and CSL Vifor.