This quick guide aims to further clarify the ISN-KDIGO CKD Early Identification and Intervention booklet to allow easy, widespread adoption and prompt action around early identification and intervention of CKD in the primary care setting.
Download the guide
- From our colleagues in Malaysia, we have heard that for “Step 2”, the uACR measurement is needed to progress to “Step 3”. If uACR is not easily available or affordable in your setting, you can use a uACR converter, which can give you the equivalent uACR for a U dipstick or uPCR reading.
If anyone finds an inadvertent language or content error, kindly be in touch with us at These documents were last updated as of December 2022.
Implementing Early CKD Detection Programs Series: Case Studies from Around the World
WCN’24 Spotlight Session: Latin America
X Spaces
The Compelling Case for Early Detection and Treatment of CKD
Leadership and CKD Screening
Visit this page to find resources for people living with kidney disease. Resources available include:
- Patient stories
- A map of local patient organisations
- Information on kidney health
Steering Committee
- Adeera Levin | Canada
- Vivekanand Jha | India
- Elliot Koranteng Tannor | Ghana
- Laura Sola | Uruguay
- Roberto Pecoits-Filho | USA
- Sunita Bavanandan | Malaysia
The ISN-KDIGO CKD Early Identification Toolkit is supported by an independent grant from
The ISN-KDIGO CKD Early Identification Toolkit was developed with the support from an unrestricted educational grant from AstraZeneca.
This toolkit material is freely available for download by health care professionals and individual usage. For-profit organizations may link to toolkit materials with appropriate referencing but are not allowed to use the materials directly (including screenshots) in their own activities; and, where the toolkit materials are referenced with a link, society logos may not be used or displayed with the link. Non-profit organizations may link to the toolkit materials with appropriate referencing, and may promote the materials directly, but must seek permission for this first. If you have any questions concerning the rights to use these materials, please contact
For any inquiries on this initiative, please contact Monica Moorthy at
For any inquiries/feedback on the resources provided in this toolkit, contact KDIGO at
This initiative is led in collaboration with Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO).