SharE-RR (registries)

The Sharing Expertise to Support the set-up of Renal Registries (SharE-RR) initiative develops resources to help establish or develop renal registries in emerging countries; among the tools available is an open-access global inventory of renal registries and how they operate, a list of experts to provide advice, and workshops covering a range of topics.

The availability of these resources is important, as many countries currently lack or possess incomplete renal registry data. Such data provides critical information to support the planning, delivery, and evaluation of renal services and highlights discrepancies in available kidney care to allocate resources where the need is greatest. Registry data identifies the highest causes of kidney disease in a region to inform the prevention, detection, and early treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD), which in parallel can be used as fundamental instruments to carry out evidence-based advocacy activities.

Learn more about the data collection initiative here.

Access the SharE-RR Toolkit here

SharE-RR Workshop Program Converted to Successful Webinar Series

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the SharE-RR (SHARing Expertise to support the set-up of Renal Registries) workshop, scheduled to take place at the World Congress of Nephrology 2020, was unable to go ahead as planned. The program, developed by the SharE-RR advisory group to share knowledge and experience in establishing renal registries, was re-worked from a...

For any inquiries regarding the SharE-RR project, contact the ISN research team at

The SharE-RR Advisory Group can be found here