Sister Renal Centers (SRC)

ISN Sister Renal Centers (SRC)

The program comprises three levels of support providing the framework and funding to foster up to six years of collaboration if adequate progress is made. Please note that the program is open to all ISN members.

The long-term goal is for the emerging center to become self-sufficient and able to provide better treatment and outcomes for patients with kidney diseases in their care.

After six years of improvement on the program, graduated centers are encouraged to support a third center within their region and therefore sustain the impact of their training and help other centers to develop.

Active ISN Sister Renal Centers Partnerships

Use plus and minus keys on your keyboard to zoom in and outSeriesISN Sister Renal Centers *ISN Sister Renal Centers *+Press ENTER to zoom outUse arrow keys to zoom in and out-Press ENTER to zoom inAfrica (16)OSEA (12)South Asia (10)NIS & Russia (4)Latin America (6)EC Europe (4)NE Asia (1)Middle East (1)TOTAL (54)LegendInteractive Map100%
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For more details on active ISN Sister Renal Centers Partnerships, please click here

Pairing Name2025RegionCo-sponsorEmerging Center (EC)EC LiaisonSupporting Center (SC)SC LiaisonMentoring Center (MC)MC Liaison
SRC Myanmar - Myanmar - Singapore1GOSEAAPSNMandalay Children's HospitalDr. Kyaw Thu Ya
Dr. Yiyi Khin
Yangon Children's Hospital Renal UnitDr. Cho Cho SanNational Kidney Foundation-National University Hospital Children's Kidney CentreProf. Yap Hui Kim
SRC Armenia-SwitzerlandGNIS & RussiaArabkir Joint Medical CenterProf. Ashot SarkissianInselspital BernProf. Bruno Vogt
SRC India-Canada3GSouth AsiaAll India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), BhopalDr. Girish Chandra BhattMontreal Children's Hospital, McGill University Health CenterDr. Martin Bitzan; Dr. Paul Goodyer
SRC India-USA7GSouth AsiaSree Avittom Thirunal (SAT) Hospital, Govt. Medical College
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Dr. Susan UthupCincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnatti, OhioDr. Prasad Devarajan
SRC Philippines - Singapore1GOSEAAPSNNational Kidney and Transplant InstituteDr Marichel Pile-Coronel; Dr. Glenda Eleanor Pinga-PamugasTan Tock Seng HospitalDr. Yeo See Cheng
SRC Sri Lanka-UKGSouth AsiaLady Ridgeway Hospital for ChildrenDr. Randula RanawakaBirmingham Children's HospitalDr. Mordi Muorah
Pending Graduation
SRC Nigeria-IndiaPending GAfricaUniversity of Nigeria Teaching HospitalDr. Ifeoma Ulasi;
Dr. Ugochi Onu
The George Institute for Global HealthDr. Vivekanand Jha
Upgrade to Level A
SRC Albania-GermanyAEastern and Central EuropeUHC Mother TerezaDr. Alma IdriziUniversity Hospital WuerzburgDr. Christoph Wanner
SRC Argentina-ArgentinaALatin AmericaHospital Marcial Vicente QuirogaDr. Pablo Martin JimenezSanatorio AllendeDr. Marcelo Orias
SRC Uzbekistan-Russia-FinlandANIS & RussiaTashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Republican Scientific Practical Medical Center of PediatricsDr. Komiljon KhamzaevNational Medical Scientific Center for Children’s HealthDr. Alexey TsyginHelsinki University Children's HospitalDr. Timo Jahnukainen
SRC DR Congo-BelgiumAAfricaUniversity Hospital of KinshasaDr. Pepe Ekulu MfutuUniversity Hospitals Leuven & Catholic University LeuvenProf. Detlef Böckenhauer
Current Year 2 at Level A
SRC Egypt-USA10AAfricaMansoura Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, Mansoura University HospitalDr. Alaa Abd El-Aziz Sabry; Dr. Mohamed Abdalbary
University of KentuckyProf. Amr El-Husseini Mohamed
SRC Indonesia-Australia13AOSEAANZSNIndonesian Society of Nephrology, Semarang Branch, Central Java ChapterDr. Dwi-Lestari PartiningrumAustin Hospital, MelbourneDr. Peter Mount
SRC Philippines-Australia14AOSEAANZSNRenal Clinical Care Services Inc.Dr. Ramon Jose SuarezSir Charles Gairdner HospitalDr. Doris Chan
SRC Nigeria-USA3AAfricaUniversity of Port Harcourt Teaching HospitalProf. Felicia Eke;
Prof. Ifeoma Anochie
Children's Hospital at MontefioreProf. Frederick Kaskel
Upgrade to Level B
SRC Mauritius-UKBAfricaSir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam HospitalDr. Davy Ip Min WanBirmingham Heartlands HospitalDr. Jyoti Baharani
SRC Rwanda-CanadaBAfricaUniversity of RwandaDr. Gloria ShumbushoUniversity of British ColumbiaDr. Marla McKnight
SRC Tanzania-USABAfricaMuhimbili National HospitalDr. Francis FuriaBaylor College of Medicine, Texas Children's HospitalDr. Peace Imani
SRC Rwanda-United Arab EmiratesBAfricaKing Faisal Hospital RwandaDr. Gilbert RugambaAl Jalila Children's Specialty HospitalDr. Martin Bitzan
SRC Indonesia-Malaysia2BOSEAAPSNSardjito General HospitalDr. Metalia PuspitasariKuala Lumpur HospitalDr. Sunita Bavanandan
SRC Romania-USABEastern and Central EuropeM.S. Curie Pediatric Clinical Emergency HospitalDr. Andrei CapitanescuDonald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell, New YorkDr. Laura Castellanos Reyes
Current Year 2 at Level B
SRC Sri Lanka-UK4BSouth AsiaUniversity of Colombo, National Hospital of Sri LankaDr. Eranga WijewickramaRoyal Free Hospital, Hampstead, LondonDr. Alan Salama
SRC Mongolia-ChinaBNorth and East AsiaFirst Central Hospital of MongoliaDr. Mandkhai NerguiInstitute of Nephrology, Peking University First HospitalDr. Yuqing Chen
SRC Argentina-Argentina2BLatin AmericaRenálida S.R.LDr. Paula Andrea MarioliHospital Italiano de Buenos AiresDr. Guillermo Javier Rosa Diez
SRC India-UK6BSouth AsiaInstitute of Child Health, KolkataDr. Rajiv SinhaBirmingham Children's HospitalDr. Mordi Muorah
SRC India-India1BSouth AsiaChristian Institute Of Health Sciences & ResearchDr. Nokchur ImchenChristian Medical College VelloreDr. Suceena Alexander
SRC Indonesia-MalaysiaBOSEAAPSNHospital Dr Mohammad Hoesin, PalembangDr. Novadian SuhaimiHospital Tuanku Ja’afar SerembanDr. Lily Mushahar
SRC Nigeria-Nigeria-USA4HBAfricaFederal Medical CenterDr. Olalekan OjoObafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital ComplexProf. Fatiu ArogundadeUniversity of Virginia School of MedicineProf. Rasheed Balogun
SRC Samoa-New ZealandHBOSEAANZSNNational Kidney Foundation of SamoaDr. Ben MatalaveaMiddlemore HospitalDr. David Voss
SRC Uganda-USAHBAfricaPaediatrics Renal Unit, Mulago National Referral Hospital, Makerere University
Dr. Anthony Batte;
Dr. Aujo Judith Caroline
Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children's HospitalDr. Peace Imani
SRC Dominican Republic - MexicoHBLatin AmericaCentros de diagnóstico y Medicina avanzada y deconferencias médicas y Telemedicina (CEDIMAT)Dr. Guillermo Alvarez EstevezInstituto Nacional de Ciencias Medicas y Nutricion, Dr. Salvador ZubiranDr. Ricardo Correa Rotter
Current Year 2 at Level C
SRC Ethiopia-Ethiopia-KenyaCAfricaAyder HospitalDr. Hailemariam GebrearegayTikur Anbessa Specialized HospitalDr. Bezaye Abebe BekeleEast African Kidney Institute, University of NairobiDr. Bashir Admani
SRC Papua New Guinea-Fiji-AustraliaCOSEAANZSNPort Moresby General HospitalDr. Steven BogosiaColonial War Memorial HospitalDr. Anis Ta'eedConcord Repatriation General HospitalDr. Angus Ritchie
SRC Kenya-UK1CAfricaTenwek HospitalDr. Helen Sims-WilliamsSheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustDr. Laura Gillis
SRC Indonesia-Malaysia3COSEAAPSNDr. M Djamil General Hospital Padang-West SumatraDr. Drajad PriyonoTuanku Jafa'ar Hospital SerembanDr. Lily Mushahar
SRC Myanmar - Singapore1COSEAAPSNPun Hlaing HospitalProf. Khin Maung Maung ThanNational University Hospital Singapore, National University Centre for Organ TransplantationProf. Vathsala Anantharaman
SRC Philippines-Philippines-SingaporeCOSEAAPSNDavao Regional Medical CenterDr. Trisha ManalaysaySouthern Philippines Medical CenterDr. Frankin GuillanoSingapore General HospitalDr. Jason Choo Chon Jun
SRC El Salvador-Honduras-Nicaragua-GuatemalaCLatin AmericaHospital Benjamín Bloom (El Salvador), Hospital María (Honduras), Hospital Manuel de Jesús Rivera (Nicaragua)Dr. Carlos Henríquez;
Dr. Mabel Sandoval;
Dr. Carolina Rodríguez
Foundation for Children with Kidney Diseases -FUNDANIERDr. Randall Lou Meda
SRC Senegal-BelgiumCAfricaNational Hospital Center Dalal JammDr. Abdou NiangCliniques Universitaires Saint-LucDr. Eric Goffin
SRC Serbia-UKCEastern and Central EuropeUniversity Children's Hospital, Institute of Mother and Child Health Care of Serbia, Institute for Pathology of Medical FacultyDr. Nataša StajićGreat Ormond Street Hospital for ChildrenDr. Jelena Stojanovic
SRC Sierra Leone-UKCAfricaConnaught HospitalDr. Joshua CokerKing's College Hospital NHS Foundation TrustDr. Kate Bramham
SRC India-USA12CSouth AsiaIndian Society of NephrologyChennai Kidney AssociatesDr. Rajeevalochana ParthasarathyNorthwell HealthDr. Kenar Jhaveri
SRC Zambia-USAHCAfricaUniversity Teaching Hospital (UTH)Dr. Paul MashangaUniversity of Tennessee Health Science CenterDr. Erica Bjornstad
SRC Lebanon-USAHCMiddle EastGilbert and Rose-Marie Chagoury School of Medicine, Lebanese American UniversityProf. Sola BahousUniversity of PennsylvaniaDr. Abdallah Geara
SRC Tajikistan-Georgia-BelgiumHCNIS & RussiaState Institution National Medical Center "SHIFOBAKHSH"Dr. Ismoil RashidovTbilisi State Medical University and Ingorokva High Medical Technology University ClinicDr. Irma TchokhonelidzeUniversity Hospital GhentDr. Wim Van Biesen
New partnership (Year 1 at Level C)
SRC India-UK7CSouth AsiaMidas Multispeciality HospitalDr Monali Rajendrakumar SahuSheffield Kidney InstituteDr Arif Khwaja
SRC Sri Lanka-UK5CSouth AsiaNephrology and Transplant Unit, National Hospital of Sri LankaDr. Mathu Selvarajah Royal London HospitalDr. Ravindra Rajakariar
Dr. Dinesha Sudusinghe
SRC India-India-USACSouth AsiaAssam Medical College, DibrugarhDr. Arpita GogoiSAT Hospital, Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, KeralaDr. Susan UthupCincinnati Children's Hospital, Ohio, USADr. Prasad Devarajan
SRC Guyana-CanadaCLatin AmericaGeorgetown Public Hospital CorporationDr. Baldeo SinghCumming School of Medicine, University of CalgaryDr. Jennifer Macrae
SRC Georgia-UKCNIS & RussiaM.Iashvili Children's Central HospitalDr. Tinatin DavitaiaGreat Ormond Street Hospital, London, UKProf. Rukshana Shroff
SRC Ethiopia-IndiaCAfricaSaint Paul's Hospital Millennium Medical CollegeDr. Yemesrach AsfawMS Ramaiah Medical College HospitalDr. Hamsa Reddy
SRC Mexico-USA1CLatin AmericaHospital General De Mexico, Dr. Eduardo LiceagaDr. Angela Maria Cordoba HurtadoThe Ohio State University/Wexner Medical CenterDr. Brad Rovin
SRC Romania-RomaniaCEastern and Central EuropeClinical County Hospital CraiovaDr. Daniela Cana RuiuSfantul Ioan Emergency Clinical HospitalDr. Ileana Adela Vacaroiu
SRC Philippines-Philippines-Singapore1COSEAAPSNBaguio General Hospital and Medical CentreDr. Virginia MangatiNational Kidney and Transplant InstituteDr. Marichel Pile-CoronelTan Tock Seng HospitalDr. See Cheng Yeo

Read the Guidelines carefully and if you meet all the criteria apply online here. The deadline to apply is October 1.

Applications are reviewed by ISN staff and the ISN Sister Renal Centers Committee.

ISN works hand-in-hand with several partner organizations, encouraging intra-regional collaborations and enhancing training and education possibilities in selected fields of nephrology.

SRC Program Supporters


If you would like to support a Sister Center, please contact us via the contact section below.

For all inquiries on the SRC Program, please contact the Sister Renal Centers Coordinator at

The SRC program is supported by the ISN SRC Committee.

What can be achieved IN the sister renal centers program?