Clinical Research

ISN Clinical Research

The ISN Clinical Research Program supports research and education initiatives involving nephrologists, health workers, and local authorities in lower, lower-middle, and upper-middle income countries.

The Program helps implement research projects to detect and manage non-communicable chronic diseases such as CKD, AKI, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

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Program Options

The ISN Clinical Research General Program has one application round per year, on May 1. Applications are open to ISN members from lower, lower-middle, and upper-middle income countries according to World Bank classification.

The ISN and the Société Francophone de Néphrologie Dialyse et Transplantation (SFNDT) have joined forces to support the development of nephrology in French-speaking countries in Africa.

The ISN Scientific Writing Course offers hands-on and one-to-one mentoring by experts in the field of scientific writing to help physicians and researchers improve their scientific writing skills, so they achieve the skills needed to publish their research work.

Visit this page to know more about upcoming editions of this course.

How to Apply

Applicants must send their proposals to the relevant ISN Regional Coordinator at least one month before the final submission deadline (by April 1).

Applications are reviewed by ISN staff and the ISN Clinical Research Committee.

Read the guidelines and FAQs carefully. If you fit all the criteria, register online and complete the application form by May 1.

Are you interested in applying to the ISN Clinical Research Program in French? Contact the Clinical Research Coordinator before March 1 via the Contact section below.

The ISN Scientific Writing Course  course is destined to ISN members and who:

  • Speak and write English fluently
  • Are within 5 years or less of their last doctoral degree
  • Work predominantly in clinical research (i.e., health research requiring approval from a human ethics board)
  • Have prior experience in basic research
  • Have manuscript(s) published in a peer-reviewed journal, or have other indicators of high potential in clinical research
  • Have an active and advanced research paper/manuscript
  • Are demonstrably motivated to improve their scientific writing skills.

Visit this page to know more about upcoming editions of this course.

ISN works hand-in-hand with several partner organizations, encouraging intra-regional collaborations and enhancing training and education possibilities in selected fields of nephrology.

Clinical Research and Scientific Writing Course Supporters


If you would like to support the Clinical Research Program, contact us via the contact section below.

For all inquiries on the Clinical Research Program grants or request examples of successful applications, please contact the Clinical Research Coordinator at

For inquiries related to the Scientific Writing Course, please contact the Scientific Writing Course Coordinator at

The Clinical Research Program is supported by the ISN CRP Committee .

What happens IN the Clinical Research Program?