The Professor Donal O’Donoghue Global Kidney Policy Forum

The Professor Donal O’Donoghue Global Kidney Policy Forum

The Professor Donal O’Donoghue Global Kidney Policy Forum (PDOGKPF) is a yearly high-level meeting organized by the ISN at each World Congress of Nephrology (WCN). It brings together key decision-makers and stakeholders to address the burden of kidney diseases in a specific country or region and to share strategies for prevention and improved management of the disease at both the regional and global levels. The Forum is named after the late Professor Donal O’Donoghue, former Chair of the Advocacy Working Group, who tragically died in January 2021.

The last Global Kidney Policy Forum: Focus on Latin America took place at WCN’24 in April 2024 and focused on the challenges, and opportunities, related to kidney health in Latin America, proposing concrete policy actions to improve the delivery of and access to kidney care.

During the first Global Kidney Policy Forum: Focus on Latin America, which took place in Mexico in April 2017, stakeholders developed a set of 12 Recommendations to Global Kidney Health to guide future efforts to reduce the burden of kidney diseases worldwide. The second Global Kidney Policy Forum: Focus on Oceania and South-East Asia took place in Melbourne in 2019, while The Global Kidney Policy Forum 2021: Focus on North America and the Caribbean and The Global Kidney Policy Forum 2022: Building Healthier Sustainable Communities To Safeguard Kidney Health were held virtually. Finally, The Global Kidney Policy Forum 2023: Focus on Latin America took place in Argentina.

Successive Global Kidney Policy Forums committed to the continued adherence to, and advancement of, the 10 Recommendations, updated in 2023.

You can download the PDOGKPF’24 agenda here.

The next PDOGKPF will take place at WCN 2025 and focus on South Asia.