Advocacy Activities

World Kidney Day is just around the corner!

We have been receiving an amazing amount of events pinned on the World Kidney Day (WKD) events map from practically everywhere in the world. Every year our supporters get more creative in finding ways to engage people and raise awareness on this important cause. Marathons, walkathons, street demonstrations, charity dinners, lectures or cooking competitions -...

World Kidney Day 2014: get all the material online

This month we are gearing up for World Kidney Day. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) in aging populations is the theme for this year. Have you decided what you are doing to raise awareness on March 13, 2014? CLICK HERE to download all you will need for your activity. All the material is now available for you to download...

ISN joins Brazilian Society of Nephrology at the Congresso Pauliste de Nefrologia

The XVII Congresso Paulista de Nefrologia was recently hosted in Atibaia, Brazil. The meeting is the annual meeting of Sociedado de Nefrologia do Estado de Sao Paulo (SONESP), a major meeting for the Brazilian Society of Nephrology (BSN), and includes physicians, nurses, dieticians and other allied health professionals. The opening ceremonies included a formal presentation...