Advocacy Activities

ISN partners with the Andean Health Organization

ISN is happy to announce a new collaboration with the Andean Health Organization Organismo Andino de Salud–Convenio Hipólito Unanue, (ORAS-CONHU). The partnership will last until 2017. ORAS CONHU will partner with ISN in dealing with issues related to kidney health including chronic kidney disease, dialysis, kidney transplantation and prevention of kidney-related diseases including diabetes and hypertension. ORAS-­CONHU...

New World Kidney Day website is launched

The World Kidney Day (WKD) team is happy to announce the launch of its new website. CLICK HERE to discover more. It is now more user-friendly, easier to navigate and even more interactive.   The new website has many improvements and new exciting features too, including: A new layout: the WKD website has had a complete change of look...