Advocacy Activities

Conclusions of Mexico City – Latin America unites against Kidney Disease

The first ISN Policy Forum welcomed more than 200 participants representing over seven Latin American governments, policy makers, nephrologists, researchers, patients and other relevant stakeholders. They committed to the Conclusions of Mexico City, a 12-point set of measurable actions to curb the burden of kidney disease worldwide, specifically focusing on Latin America. ISN President Adeera Levin...

Road map to CKD health published in Lancet Health review

The road map stemming from discussions that took place at last year’s first ISN Summit focusing on chronic kidney disease have now been published in The Lancet Health Review. The global nephrology community recognises the need for a cohesive plan to address the problem of chronic kidney disease (CKD). In July, 2016, ISN hosted a...

ISN will hold first Policy Forum advancing the global roadmap to Kidney Health

The first ISN Global Kidney Policy Forum to be held on April 21, 2017 in Mexico City under the patronage of the Mexican Secretary of Health and in collaboration with the Latin American Society of Nephrology and Hypertension (SLANH), will be opened by José Narro, Mexican Secretary of Health, moderated by Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief...