Learn about the ISN’s work in advocacy below.
UN High-Level meeting 2018: targeted action on kidney disease
Health is a political choice. So, it is fitting that global health was on the agenda of last month's United Nations (UN) High-Level meeting on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) at the 43rd UN General Assembly. The ISN was privileged to be the only kidney group to be invited, along with civic...
ISN at UN General Assembly to highlight the cause of kidney patients
This week, ISN is set to represent the kidney health community at this year’s United Nations' (UN) General Assembly in New York. Coinciding with the third High-Level Meeting on non-communicable diseases (NCDs), this assembly’s program is a busy affair for ISN. ISN Advocacy Director Luisa Strani says: 'We are steadfast in highlighting the current burden and...
Strengthening kidney transplant programs in Guatemala
In 2013, a sister center partnership was set up between University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and Fundanier (sponsored by ISN and The Transplantation Society). The ultimate goal of this collaboration was to establish a deceased donor program in Guatemala. Thanks to training and engaged political efforts, the teams are setting up the basis for...
Update to the Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism
The first new edition of the Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism, a seminal document that has helped to guide ethical practice in organ donation and transplantation around the world, was presented at an international workshop in Madrid, Spain. More than 100 people gathered to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Declaration...