Advocacy Activities

Read the Latest DICG Newsletter

The latest issue of the Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism (DICG) newsletter is now available. Read the DICG newsletter here. The current edition highlights: The launch of an open-access "DICG Course on Ethical Issues In Transplantation and The Declaration of Istanbul." New laws and regulations on organ donation and transplantation. The Global Kidney Exchange. A video...

ISN Supports Call for Action to EU Commissioner to Reduce the Burden of CKD

Earlier this year, the European Kidney Health Alliance (EKHA) and the European Kidney Patients’ Federation (EKPF) had a meeting with the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Ms. Stella Kyriakides. They presented EKHA’s call-to-action (CTA) to improve prevention, treatment, and care of CKD in the aftermath of COVID-19 and discuss EU priorities for...

ISN Awareness-building Campaign for the General Public: “A Beginner’s Guide to Kidney Health,” an ISN Global Kidney Care Podcast:

As part of an ongoing educational campaign, the ISN has recorded the podcast "A Beginner's Guide to Kidney Health," part of ISN's Global Kidney Care Podcast Series. The podcast features Professor Ifeoma Ulasi, Nigeria, ISN Executive Committee and Advocacy Working Group (AWG) member, and the late Professor Donal O’Donoghue, United Kingdom, chair of the AWG...

Plan a Scientific Meeting Online Through the ISN Continuing Medical Education Program

Applications for ISN Continuing Medical Education (CME) meetings are accepted throughout the year. Discover the CME Program here. Due to ongoing travel and social restrictions resulting from the coronavirus pandemic, the CME Program has adapted to support faculty experts to present virtual talks and workshops at regional nephrology-related meetings. What educational content could help improve kidney...