Advocacy Activities

ISN Urges the 74th WHA to Take Immediate Actions to Advance Women’s, Children’s, and Adolescents’ Health

74th World Health Assembly Statement on Agenda Item 16 Committing to implementation of the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health (2016−2030) Honorable Chair, distinguished delegates, The ISN welcomes the report by the WHO Director-General on Committing to implementation of the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s, and Adolescents’ Health (2016–2030) and reiterates its support for the...

ISN, Alongside its Partners, Urges the 74th WHA to Adopt the Resolution on Patient Safety

74th World Health Assembly Statement on Agenda Item 13. 1 Global Action on Patient Safety The International Alliance of Patients Organizations and nine Non-State Actors in Official Relationship with WHO forming a Constituency to Agenda item 13.1 welcome and endorse the decision made by the 148th Session of the Executive Board on 21 January 2021 to...

Explore and Use the ISN Framework for Developing Dialysis Programs in Low-Resource Settings

The "ISN Framework for Developing Dialysis Programs in Low-Resource Settings" outlines the requirements and operational considerations for setting up or expanding dialysis programs and developing sustainable strategies to treat patients with kidney failure. Download the framework here and share it with health care workers, patients, and policymakers in your region. The framework, developed in collaboration with...

ISN President Places Patients at Center of ISN’s Mission at Global Summit

On May 13, the ISN President, Agnes Fogo, spoke at the Third Annual Global Summit on Kidney Innovation: Expanding Patient Choices and Outcomes, organized by the American Association of Kidney Patients and the George Washington University, hosted virtually from May 13-14, 2021. Watch Professor Fogo’s presentation here. As a leader in the global kidney space,...