The online abstracts submission is now closed..
Accepted abstracs will be presented as posters at the ISN Frontiers Meeting and they will be published in the Kidney International Reports. A limited number of abstracts will be selected for oral presentations at the ISN Frontiers Meeting in New Delhi, India.
Presenting authors must register and pay their registration by June 30, 2022, to have their abstract presented and published as described above.
Check out the instructions on how to complete your online submission below, and read on for the abstract categories.
Abstract Requirements:
- Character count: you may use up to 3,400 characters. Spaces are included in the character count (tables and graphs do not count as characters if inserted as an image). Abstract authors/co-authors’ names and affiliations, and keywords do not count towards the 3,400-character allowance.
- Abstracts are structured: introduction, methods, results, conclusion. Tables, graphs, and pictures may be included (tables and graphs do not count as characters if inserted as an image).
- Images must be in JPEG or PNG format (uploaded images cannot exceed 640w x 480h pixels and 1,5 Megabytes).
- Case reports that present novel hypotheses, pathologies, treatments, or ethical issues are welcome. However, they are only likely to be selected if the originality is highlighted effectively.
- Submitted abstracts must describe unpublished work, which is not already in press and which is not awaiting possible acceptance by any other society/journal. Encore abstracts are not accepted.
- The maximum number of abstract co-authors that can be listed in an abstract is 15.
- Please check carefully for typographical errors, misspellings, poor hyphenation, etc. Please check that your abstract title is correct.
Submission Process Structure:
- Contact person information
- Abstract keywords
- Authors and institutions
- Abstract topic + questionnaire
- Transparency declaration ethics statement
- Abstract title
- Abstract text
- Declaration of funding and interests
- Review and submit abstract
Submission Conditions:
- Registration by June 30, 2022 is mandatory in order to be published in Kidney International Reports and to have a poster/oral presentation at the Frontiers Meeting. Not printed abstracts book will be produced. Selected abstract presenters who fail to register by the deadline will have no abstract presented or published.
- If the presenting author is unable to present the abstract, another co-author can take their place as long as they are duly registered to the meeting. The presenting author must inform the meeting secretariat of the change at no later than June 30, 2022. Please make sure to clearly mention the abstract number in all communication.
- Once you have submitted your abstract, you cannot withdraw or change your abstract.
- All copyrights are assigned to ISN.
- All submitted abstracts will be considered for a poster or oral presentation session. However, only limited slots are available for oral presentations during the Frontiers Meeting.
After your submission has been submitted, you will receive a confirmation email within two business days. If the email doesn’t appear, please check your spam folder.
If you submit your abstract on the last day of submission (May 4, 2022) and do not receive confirmation within 48 hours, please contact to make sure your abstract has been received.
Abstract authors will be notified of acceptance by June 3, 2022 with the type of presentation.
- COVID-19 and the Kidney
- Infection Diagnostics: From Cutting Edge to Point-of-Care
- Infections and the Kidney – Perspectives from the Developing and Developed Worlds
- Infections Leading to Kidney Disease
- Infections in people with kidney disease and on KRT (dialysis and transplant)
- Pathophysiology and Management of Kidney Disease with Infections
- Prevention and Treatment of Common Infections
- Strategies to Prevent and Treat Infections in Kidney Care Settings
Late-breaking abstracts describe the latest advances and trial data and results that will change daily clinical practice and have not been previously published or presented.
The focus of late-breaking abstracts is placed on capturing abstracts with ground-breaking and unique data that would not otherwise have been presented at the ISN Frontiers 2022. If you have data available for submission only after the regular abstract deadline, the Scientific Program Working Group would be interested to receive your submission and consider it for presentation at the ISN Frontiers 2022.
If deadlines are respected, late-breaking abstracts will still be presented as a poster during ISN Frontiers 2022 and published in Kidney International Reports. Late-breaking abstracts are also still considered for potential oral presentations.
A call for late-breaking abstracts will open in January, 2022 and will close April 20, 2022. The call for late-breaking abstracts is NOT an extension of the general abstract submission deadline.
Late-breaking abstract submitters are required to submit ‘a placeholder abstract’ during the regular submission period (deadline May 4, 2022). Please see instructions to submit a late-breaking abstract below.
Preparing a Late-breaking Abstract Submission:
Abstract Requirements:
- Late-breaking abstracts should follow the standard abstract structure: introduction, methods, results and conclusions.
- Late-breaking abstracts should highlight novel and practice-changing studies.
How to Submit a Late-breaking Abstract:
- To submit your ‘placeholder’ abstract, login into the Frontiers portal during the regular submission period (deadline May 4, 2022), and click on “My Abstract”
- Follow the normal abstract submission procedure, once in the “Topic Selection” page, select “Late-Breaking Abstract” as topic.
- Should your abstract(s) be accepted, you will be notified on June 3, 2022.
Post Submission:
- Once your abstract is accepted, to update your abstract, you must send a letter of intent to no later than June 16, 2022.
- The abstract submission portal will be temporarily re-open until June 16, 2022 for authors to make updates .
Young nephrologists who submit an abstract(s) for ISN Frontiers 2022 will be considered for the Young Nephrologist Award. The winner(s) will be recognized during one of the meeting sessions, and will be suggested as a possible speaker for future WCN, subject to topic relevance. In line with the usual abstract submission procedure, the chosen Young Nephrologist abstract(s) will also be considered for an oral abstract presentation during ISN Frontiers 2022.
If you are a Young Nephrologist and would like to be considered for the aforementioned, select the checkbox to indicate you are a Young Nephrologist during the abstract submission process. This is open to all presenting authors age of 40 or younger.
The ISN supports the need to stop practices and policies of organ trafficking and tourism. Scientific studies and clinical activities must be performed in keeping with the ethical principles outlined in the Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism. By submitting an abstract for the ISN Frontiers Meeting, you state that you have not violated any aspect of the Declaration or associated consensus statements on live donation and research on human subjects.
Invited speakers will be contacted separately regarding the submission of their abstracts and are requested to refrain from using the regular abstract submission form on the website.