Call for expressions of interest/nominations for
ISN Advocacy Working Group Members

The ISN welcomes expressions of interest/nominations for the positions of members of the ISN Advocacy Working Group. The positions will start at the World Congress of Nephrology 2025 (WCN’25).

About the ISN Advocacy Working Group

The ISN has multiple advocacy activities embedded within various programs, initiatives and events. Each of these activities has links to Regional Boards, committees, initiatives, and other programs within ISN and externally.

The ISN Advocacy Working Group brings together like-minded nephrologists who have experience and interest in advocacy, general public education and awareness raising in their own countries or region, as well as worldwide.

The ISN Advocacy Working Group aims to:

  • Objective 1: provide advice and expert input to the ISN Executive Committee / ISN Advocacy Director on ISN Advocacy Strategy and related Work Plans.
  • Objective 2: provide advice and expert input to the ISN Advocacy Director and staff on the content of advocacy documents such as official position papers, messaging, policy statements, social media updates, news articles and updates as requested and according to the official ISN Advocacy Position and Official Statement Approval Procedure.
  • Objective 3: review, analyse, investigate politically relevant issues to inform decision making of the Executive Committee / ISN Advocacy Director. If appropriate, research, produce and develop advocacy relevant content.
  • Objective 4: attend and represent ISN at official meetings, working groups, consultations or other as appropriate in coordination with the ISN Advocacy Director.

Selection Criteria

  • Proven understanding of advocacy and awareness raising
  • Availability to devote regular time and effort for active participation and input
  • Willingness to travel on behalf of ISN
  • Proficiency in English
  • ISN member in good standing, and with a demonstrated interest in ISN activities.
  • Email accessible and able to regularly connect to conference calls
  • Thank you for your interest. The application process closed at 5 p.m. CEST on Friday, 18 October. We encourage you to keep an eye out and apply for available positions at next year’s call for EOIs/nominations round. 


End-September – October
Application period open
Positions decided by ISN leadership
Applicants notified of outcome

To learn more about:

  • Advocacy at the ISN, click here
  • the Advocacy Working Group, click here
  • this position, or if you have any questions, email Magdalena Machalska at
ISN Advocacy Working Group Members

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