Tag - pediatric nephrology

Explore the latest ISN-ACT Global Trials Focus selection featuring a “Trial of the Month” on the role of targeted exercises for children on hemodialysis  

ISN-ACT Global Trials Focus editorial team member Neeru Agarwal summarizes the design and outcomes of the latest "Trial of the Month" featured in ISN-ACT Global Trials Focus.   Trial of the Month:  Effect of muscle stretching and isometric exercises on quality of life in children undergoing regular hemodialysis  Khalf-Allah et al., Pediatric Nephrology. 2024 39:3289-3299.  Summary  In this single-center study, 68...

A Dynamic Learning Environment: Supporting Pediatric Nephrology Training in Romania Through the ISN Educational Ambassadors Program

Participants and Educational Ambassadors Laura Castellanos-Reyes and Christine Sethna at the pediatric nephrology training course in Bucharest The ISN Educational Ambassadors Program supported comprehensive pediatric nephrology training in Romania, covering kidney disease management and the latest guidelines. The program enabled two pediatric nephrologists, Laura Castellanos-Reyes and Christine Sethna, along with a nurse, Vera Benn — all...

Latest ISN Journal Editorial Selections

Kidney International®  NAVKIDS2: A Lesson in Matching Outcomes Measures to Interventions   The Randomized Controlled Trial (NAVKIDS2) of a Patient Navigator Program Created for Children With Chronic Kidney Disease   These two studies evaluate a patient navigation program for children from disadvantaged backgrounds with chronic kidney disease (CKD), aiming to improve access to evidence-based care.   While the patient navigation...

Young Nephrologists Shaping the Future of Peritoneal Dialysis: Iman Al Shamsi on the YNC’s Contribution

by YNC member Iman Al Shamsi The ISN recognizes the importance of PD in managing kidney failure, as it is the most accessible method for enabling home-based dialysis. The ISN joined forces with the International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD) to launch the International Home Dialysis Consortium (IHDC) with support from other international organizations. Established...

ISN Members – Explore Specialized ISN Fellowship Opportunities Tailored to Your Expertise and Region –Apply by October 1!

In addition to the general ISN Fellowships available for members from lower, lower-middle, and upper-middle-income countries, the ISN collaborates with various organizations, regional societies, and partners to offer fellowships tailored to specific specializations and regions. The deadline to apply is October 1. Submit your application here. These include: The ISN-UHN ExpLoRe Home Dialysis Fellowships in dialysis Ravi Mehta ISN AKI...

“I Have Made Significant Progress”: Achieve Your Goals With the ISN Mentorship Program – Apply as a Mentee by July 1

Dr. Bonilla-Felix (left) and Dr. Zamora met virtually to discuss areas for improvement Dr. Nelson Zamora Rodriguez (Bolivia) was awarded 3rd place in the ISN Mentorship Abstract Award for his submission "Prevalence of Frailty in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients at Regional Hospital San Juan De Dios, Tarija – Bolivia."   Read the full paper in the supplement...

A Cross-Continental Collaboration to Improve Pediatric Kidney Care Through the ISN Sister Renal Centers Program

The main objective of the eight-year ISN Sister Renal Centers (SRC) partnership was to improve the quality of pediatric kidney care at the Research & Clinical Institute for Pediatrics (RCIP), Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, in Moscow, Russia, with support from the University Hospital (UZ) Leuven and Catholic (KU) Leuven University in Leuven,...

“Every Facet Has Yielded Favorable Outcomes for Our Centers”: ISN-TTS Sister Transplant Partnership Drives Advances in Kidney Transplant Care in Colombia

Dr. Jaime Restrepo Emerging Institution: Fundacion Valle del Lili (FVL), Colombia Supporting Institution: Boston Children's Hospital (BCH), USA The kidney care team at Boston Children's Hospital (BCH), USA, supported nephrology staff at the Fundacion Valle del Lili (FVL) in Colombia for seven years through the ISN-TTS Sister Transplant Center (STC) partnership. Challenges in kidney care in southwestern Colombia According...

Enhancing Pediatric Kidney Health in India: The ISN Supports Speakers at Specialized Paediatric Nephrology Meeting

In March, the ISN supported speakers through its Continuing Medical Education Program to attend the "Paediatric Nephro Urocon 2024 - Season 3" meeting in Chennai, India. Seventy delegates participated on the first day of the program, with 125 attending on the second day. The conference brought together a diverse group of professionals, including dialysis technologists,...

The ISN Sister Renal Centers Program Supports Advancements in Kidney Care for Children in Nigeria

In 2017, through the ISN Sister Renal Centers Program, staff from the nephrology section of the Alberta Children's Hospital (ACH) in Alberta, Canada, began supporting staff from the pediatric nephrology unit at the Department of Paediatrics, University College Hospital (UCH) in Ibadan, Nigeria. The partnership's primary goal was to develop pediatric nephrology at the center...

ISN Members: Explore Specialized ISN Fellowship Opportunities Tailored to Your Expertise and Region –Apply by May 1

In addition to general ISN Fellowships for ISN members from lower, lower-middle, and upper-middle-income countries, the ISN collaborates with several organizations, regional societies, and partners to sponsor and promote fellowships tailored to specific specializations and regions. The deadline to apply is May 1. Submit your application here. These include: The ISN-UHN ExpLoRe Home Dialysis Fellowships in dialysis Ravi Mehta ISN...

Making a Difference in the Lives of Younger Patients Worldwide: The ISN and the IPNA Renew Commitment

The ISN is pleased to announce it has formally renewed its ongoing partnership with the International Paediatric Nephrology Association (IPNA) to advance a mutual commitment to the global advancement of pediatric nephrology. Since 2011, the ISN and the IPNA have forged a highly productive and enduring alliance, collaborating on many initiatives, including ISN-INPA Fellowships, ISN...

ISN Interventional Nephrology Training Program Yields Breakthroughs in Kidney Care for Cameroon

Ronald Gobina trained through the ISN Interventional Nephrology Scholarship Program for four weeks at the South West Thames Renal and Transplantation Unit at St Helier Hospital in London, UK. Dr. Gobina recently contacted the ISN to tell us how he applied his newly acquired skills to enhance the quality of kidney care at the Regional...

The ISN Supports Member’s Training Program for Pediatric Nephrologists to Help Advance Kidney Care in Africa – Read a Recently Published Paper on Its Impact

Read the open-access article "Lessons Learned From Regional Training of Paediatric Nephrology Fellows in Africa" here. Over the last 20 years, Mignon McCulloch and her team have trained 38 fellows in pediatric nephrology (PN) at the Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. Today, the Red Cross Hospital is one of...

ISN Members – Are You Making the Most of What’s On Offer? Explore the ISN’s Specialized Fellowship Options and Apply by May 1

To help build capacity where it is most needed, the ISN collaborates with several organizations, regional societies, and partners to sponsor and promote fellowships in specific regions and specializations. These include fellowships for: Nephrologists who want to train in dialysis, AKI, or pediatric nephrology Nephrologists from the Asia-Pacific region, Latin America, or South Asia Nephrologists who want to...

Latest ISN Journal Editorial Selections

Kidney International Editorial Selection Endemic Rise in Cases of Acute Kidney Injury in Children in Indonesia and Gambia: What is the Likely Culprit and Why? This report sheds light on the sudden rise in acute kidney injury (AKI) cases in  Indonesia and Gambia. The increase has been linked to poor quality control in manufacturing syrup medications...

ISN CME Program Supports Two Speakers to Travel to India to Present on Pediatric Nephrology

Valerie Luyckx presents at the 34th National Conference of the Indian Society of Pediatric Nephrology in Mumbai, India In December 2022, the ISN supported members Valerie Luyckx (Switzerland) and Hui Kim Yap (Singapore) to present talks at the 34th National Conference of the Indian Society of Pediatric Nephrology in Mumbai, India. Over 200 people participated in...

Three ISN Fellows Pass Pediatric Nephrology Sub-Specialty Certificate Exams

                     The ISN congratulates Privilage Makanda from Zimbabwe, Thembisile Mosalakatane from Botswana, and Paul Mashanga from Zambia. All three ISN Fellows passed the Pediatric Nephrology Sub-Specialty Certificate exam as part of their fellowship training at Red Cross Memorial Children’s Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. The...

ISN President Chairs Session at 16th International Symposium on IgA Nephropathy

The 16th International Symposium on IgA Nephropathy will take place virtually from September 21-23, 2021. ISN President, Agnes Fogo, will chair Plenary Session 10, ‘IgAN: A Global Perspective’ on September 23, 2021, from 11:10-11:55 a.m. CEST. The symposium will focus on pathogenesis, pathology, and treatment of IgA nephropathy. The program highlights the current discussion on pathogenetic...

Mentorship and Collaboration to Better Understand Childhood IgA Nephropathy

Alexandra CAMBIER, YNC member, associate professor of pediatric nephrology (MD-PhD), Sainte Justine Hospital, Montréal University Université de Paris, Paris, France ; Centre de Recherche sur L'inflammation (CRI); INSERM U1149, Paris, France IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is one of the most common forms of primary glomerulonephritis in children and adolescents worldwide [1]. In more than fifty percent of...