Tag - Noncommunicable diseases

Raising the Profile of Kidney Disease: ISN Advocates for Global Awareness at UNGA – Sign and Share the Petition!

In September, the ISN had a powerful presence at UNGA79, successfully raising awareness of the human and economic burden of kidney disease while garnering support from Member States to promote kidney health within the broader noncommunicable disease (NCD) agenda. The ISN’s aims at the event were threefold: Raise awareness about the urgent need to prioritize kidney...

Elevating Kidney Health on the Global Health Agenda: The ISN’s Dedicated Activities at UNGA 79

The ISN is excited to announce its participation at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in September. On September 25, the ISN will host a series of dedicated activities in New York focused on raising awareness of and driving action on kidney disease: ISN exhibit booth: "Kidney Health Matters: Prioritizing the Silent Epidemic" The booth will highlight...

The ISN Advocates for Improved Dialysis Provision During Crises at the WHO Global High-Level Technical Meeting on NCDs in Humanitarian Settings

As a non-state actor in official relations with the WHO, the ISN attended the WHO's "Global high-level technical meeting on noncommunicable diseases in humanitarian settings: building resilient health systems, leaving no one behind" in Copenhagen, Denmark, at the end of February. Denmark, Kenya, and Jordan hosted 630 participants from 50 countries and 71 non-governmental organizations...

Beyond Blood Sugar: Ele Ferrannini on the Basis for the Transformative Power of SGLT2 Inhibitors for Kidney Disease Management at WCN’24

Ele Ferrannini, a professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Pisa and a senior research associate at the National Research Council Institute of Clinical Physiology, will present the plenary talk "Insights Into SGLT2 Inhibitors: A Story of Discovery" at WCN'24 in Hall A on Tuesday, April 16 at 11 a.m. Argentina time. Register for...

ISN Members – Use Code IDF2023 for Reduced Registration Fees for the International Diabetes Federation Virtual Congress

The International Diabetes Federation Virtual Congress 2023, 4-7 December, will feature four days of high-level sessions on: Managing and treating diabetes complications, The impact of natural and human-made disasters on people with diabetes The long-term effects of COVID-19 Attractive registration rates are available, with discounts for students and healthcare professionals in low- and middle-income countries. Learn more at www.idf2023.org.

Equitable Access to Gene Therapy? Obiageli Nnodu Presents on the Potential and Availability of CrispCas9 Therapy for Sickle Cell Disease at WCN’24

Obiageli Nnodu, professor of Hematology and Blood Transfusion and director of the Centre of Excellence for Sickle Cell Disease Research and Training at the University of Abuja in Nigeria, will present the talk "Crispcas9 Therapy for Sickle Cell Diseases: How Do We Go From Discovery to Equitable Availability of Gene Therapy for All?" at...

The GCCH Position Paper on Integrating Circulatory Health Interventions into Primary Care for UHC – in a Nutshell

The Global Coalition for Circulatory Health (GCCH), of which ISN is a member of its leadership group, has published a position paper, "The Road to Universal Health Coverage (UHC): Why Integration of Circulatory Health Interventions in Primary Care is Essential." Access the full position paper here. Below, we've summarized the crucial points from the paper: The financial...

“To Protect the Kidneys, You Need to Protect the Heart”: Valerie Luyckx Represents the ISN at the European Society of Cardiology’s Congress

Valerie Luyckx, ISN Advocacy Working Group chair, was invited to join a panel of experts at the World Heart Federation's Heart Café Session "Navigating the Complex Relationship Between Chronic Kidney Disease and Cardiovascular Complications," held as part of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Watch a recording of the event...

ISN North American and Caribbean Regional Board Members Contribute Expertise at SIDS Ministerial Conference on NCDs and Mental Health

The ISN was represented at the SIDS Ministerial Conference by Dr. Lori Ann Fisher and Dr. Raquel Lowe Jones, nephrologists associated with the University of the West Indies in Jamaica, and ISN North America and Caribbean Regional Board members. The SIDS Ministerial Conference in Barbados from June 13 to 16 addressed the high burden of...

International Diabetes Federation (IDF) – ISN Joint Policy Brief on Living With Diabetes and Kidney Disease To Launch at Webinar on July 13

The ISN is pleased to announce that the joint IDF-ISN policy brief “Renewing the Fight: A Call to Action for Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease” will be launched at a webinar taking place on July 13, 2023, from 2-3.15 p.m. CEST. Register for the webinar here. Aimed at advocates, healthcare professionals, and policymakers involved with people...

New! Access the Toolkit on the Optimization of RAASi Therapy

Kidney diseases are intricately linked to increased morbidity with, and mortality from, other diseases and infections. An integrated approach to noncommunicable disease prevention and management that recognizes co-morbidities is critical to improving disease outcomes. Since 2021, the ISN has collaborated with the American Society of Preventative Cardiology (ASP), the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology (HFA), Kidney...

“From Neglected NCD to Priority: Accelerating Action on Kidney Disease.” – ISNs first stand-alone event at the seventy-sixth World Health Assembly

The ISN, in partnership with the media platform Devex, held a side event of the 76th World Health Assembly (WHA76) in Geneva on May 24, 2023. The purpose of this gathering was to discuss the steps that are needed to make kidney health a priority in national and international policy. Speakers provided different perspectives on...

Accelerating Action on Kidney Disease in Support of Global Health: ISN at the 76th World Health Assembly

The ISN attended the 76th World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva from May 21 to 30, 2023, presenting five separate constituency statements and holding an inaugural stand-alone event in collaboration with Devex. Statements Three joint statements, co-signed with partners in the NCD Alliance and the World Heart Federation (WHF), focused on the following: Prioritizing noncommunicable diseases (NCDs),...

WHO’s Head of Unit Presents Webinar to ISN Emerging Leaders Cohorts on Leadership Skills for NCD Management

Members of the ELP cohorts attend a webinar to hear Dr. Slim Slama’s presentation On April 17, the ISN Emerging Leaders cohorts from 2021 and 2022 had the honor of hearing Dr. Slim Slama, Unit Head for Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) Management at the World Health Organization (WHO), present on the leadership skills required for NCD...

Encouraging Emergency Preparedness, UHC and Routine Kidney Assessments – the ISN Makes Its Voice Count at the 152nd Session of the WHO Executive Board

The ISN submitted three statements supporting global kidney health when it participated in the 152nd session of the World Health Organization’s Executive Board from January 30 to February 7, 2023. This annual meeting gathers WHO executive board members at the start of each year to agree on World Health Assembly agenda resolutions for consideration by...