Tag - kidney disease

Kidney disease means your kidneys are damaged and can’t filter blood the way they should. Those with diabetes or high blood pressure are at greater risk of developing kidney disease.

Kidney problems include acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, kidney cysts, kidney stones, and kidney infections.

Enhancing Scientific Writing Skills in Turkey: Testimonials From Course Participants

From left to right: Caner Alparslan, ISN Young Nephrologists Committee member (Turkey); SWC faculty members Rümeyza Kazancioğlu (Turkey), Hans Peter Marti (Norway), and Zdenka Hruskova (Czech Republic); and host and BANTAO president Mustafa Arici (Turkey)* The ISN held a Scientific Writing Course (SWC) in Istanbul from October 5-7 at Istanbul University's central campus. During the three-day...

Identifying Hepatorenal Syndrome and Venous Congestion: Learn About Cutting-edge Methods in POCUS-based Volume Assessment

The ISN teamed up with the American Society of Diagnostics and Interventional Nephrology to develop a webinar on point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS)-based volume assessment. Watch the webinar here. POCUS, particularly IVC ultrasound, is a valuable tool for assessing intravascular volume, predicting volume responsiveness, and managing conditions like hepatorenal syndrome and congestive organ injury. As technology advances and more...

ISN Journal Editorial Selections

Kidney International® A Prospective Controlled, Randomized Clinical Trial of Kidney Transplant Recipients Developed Personalized Tacrolimus Dosing Using Model-based Bayesian Prediction  In this study, a population pharmacokinetic (PPK) model, incorporating factors such as genetics, age, and hematocrit, was developed and validated to optimize tacrolimus (Tac) dosage for kidney transplant recipients. PPK-based dosing was compared with traditional weight-based dosing....

The ISN’s Commitment to Enhancing Global Kidney Care Through Education: A Look at the First “Primer Course in Glomerular Diseases”

Delegates at the first edition of the Primer Course in Glomerular Diseases in Tokyo The "Primer Course in Glomerular Diseases" covers best practices in glomerulonephritis management for trainees and early career clinicians. The ISN's first edition of the course took place in Tokyo, Japan, from October 1-2, 2023, held in partnership with the Asian Pacific Society of...

The ISN Supports KRACON23: Advancing Kidney Health in Kenya and Beyond

KRACON23 delegates at the onsite ISN booth In September, the ISN supported the Kenya Renal Association and its Annual Conference (KRACON23) in Mombasa, Kenya, through its Educational Ambassador (EA) and Continuing Medical Education Programs. The theme of the event was "Multidisciplinary Approach to Kidney Care." A well-attended gathering The congress saw an impressive turnout of over 500...

Balanced Crystalloid Fluids May Reduce Delayed Graft Function in Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation – New Selection of Global Trials Out Now

To stay updated on the latest research and developments in kidney care, access the latest selection of global trials from the ISN-ACT initiative here in multiple languages. ISN-ACT Global Trials Focus Coordinator Michele Provenzano summarizes the design and outcomes of the ISN-ACT Global Trials Focus’ latest “Trial of the Month.” Balanced Crystalloid Solution Versus Saline in...

Goce Spasovski to Be Honored With the ISN Eastern and Central Europe Pioneer Award at the 18th BANTAO Congress – Join Us There!

The 18th BANTAO (Balkan Cities Association of Nephrology Transplantation and Artificial Organs) Congress combined with the Hellenic Society of Nephrology Meeting and Seminar, endorsed by the ISN, will take place from October 19-22, 2023, in Thessaloniki, Greece. We warmly invite you to visit our ISN booth during the event. We'd love to connect with you...

The 2023 ISN-GKHA: Shaping the Future of Kidney Health Worldwide – Access Region-specific Data and Use the Findings in Your Research

The 2023 ISN-Global Kidney Health Atlas (ISN-GKHA) is driving positive change in kidney care on a global scale, and you can play a role in this transformation! Assessing global kidney care: ISN-GKHA's comprehensive analysis for informed health policies The ISN-GKHA is a comprehensive resource offering an overview of the current readiness, capacity, and competence for kidney...

“AI Can Help Physicians and Give Them More Time to Focus on the Patient”: Listen to the ISN Podcast on Artificial Intelligence in Kidney Care

In this engaging dialogue, Augusto Cesar Santos Jr. and Peter Kotanko discuss the evolving role of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine, particularly within kidney care. Listen here They shed light on how AI can serve as a valuable tool for healthcare providers, enabling them to predict patient outcomes, personalize treatment plans and empower patients to take...

ISN Members – Explore the Rare Kidney Disease Complement Pathway Curriculum at the ISN Academy

Discover the latest addition to the ISN Academy – an exclusive curriculum on rare diseases, with a special focus on complement pathway disorders. This comprehensive course is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and advanced management of complement-mediated kidney diseases. Explore the curriculum here What's included? A seven-module course covering: Comprehensive pathophysiology insights Advanced diagnosis techniques Expert-driven...

Get Ready for October 2023: Explore ISN-endorsed Events and ISN Participates Activities – Apply for ISN Endorsement for Your Event!

The ISN endorses high-quality events for the kidney care community. Whether your event is big or small, it may be eligible for endorsement if it addresses relevant topics in the region. Join us for enhanced visibility, scientific merit, and educational impact. Discover all the benefits of ISN-endorsed meetings and how to apply here. October 4-7 The XV...

Enhancing Kidney Health in French-speaking Africa: ISN’s Collaborative Efforts in the DR Congo

Delegates and faculty at the 2ème Cours International de Nephrologie, Dialyse et Transplantation, and 1er Congrès de la Société Congolaise In support of an agreement between the Société Francophone Néphrologie, Dialyse et Transplantation (SFNDT) and the ISN to enhance skills in French-speaking African countries, the ISN Continuing Medical Education Program contributed to the 2ème Cours...

ISN Journal Editorial Selections

Kidney International® Novel Anemia Therapies in CKD: Conclusions from a KDIGO Controversies Conference  The conference, held virtually in December 2021, reviewed new evidence on diagnosing and managing anemia in chronic kidney disease (CKD). The meeting focused on a new class of agents—the hypoxia-inducible factor-prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors (HIF-PHIs). HIF-PHIs are reported to be non-inferior to conventional Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents...

The ISN’s Pioneering Role in Advancing Interventional Nephrology in Cuba

The ISN was pleased to support the inaugural "Primer Curso Cubano de Nefrología Intervencionista" (First Cuban Course on Interventional Nephrology) in September through its Continuing Medical Education and Educational Ambassadors Programs. Find out more about ISN interventional nephrology training opportunities here. Hosted by the Cuban Society of Nephrology at the Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Lucía Iñiguez Landín...

Equipping Primary Care Physicians to Manage Kidney-related Issues: Share the Open-access Online Kidney Education Course With General Practitioners

The complete "Online Kidney Education for Primary Care Physicians" curriculum is now available at the ISN Academy. What is it? Developed collaboratively by the ISN and the Mumbai Kidney Foundation, this curriculum equips primary care physicians with the necessary knowledge and skills to manage and care for patients with kidney-related issues. Explore the complete list of modules...

Exciting Updates From the ISN Young Nephrologists Committee

Although the 2023 ISN-GKHA reports improvements, significant disparities persist in global kidney care, especially in low- and middle-income countries. To help address these gaps, the ISN is advancing initiatives led by the Young Nephrologists Committee (YNC) to prioritize education and capacity building for kidney health professionals. Just launched: "Basics of Statistics for a Successful Start in...

“International Comparison, East vs. West”: The ISN-JSN-APSN Joint Session at the 17th International Symposium on IgA Nephropathy

The latest findings on the pathogenesis and treatment of IgAN will be presented and discussed at the 17th International Symposium on IgA Nephropathy in Tokyo, Japan, from September 27-30, 2023. The ISN, the Japanese Society of Nephrology (JSN), and the Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology (APSN) will hold a joint session, "International Comparison, East...

ISN President Delivers Talk on Treating Diabetic Kidney Disease at the 13th Oriental Nephrology Conference

The 13th Oriental Nephrology Conference, organized by the Shanghai Society of Nephrology, will be held from September 22-24, 2023, in Shanghai. ISN President Masaomi Nangaku will deliver the talk, "Current and Future Treatment Against Diabetic Kidney Disease," on September 23 during the international plenary session from 3:30 to 6 p.m. China Standard Time (convert to...

Supercharge Your Medical Profession: Earn CME Credits Through the ISN Academy! 

Stay up to date, grow professionally and connect with peers through CME-accredited content at the ISN Academy. Introduction to Qualitative Health Research Expert Series: Ethical Aspects of Kidney Care for Women   CKDu Network i3C - Kidney Biopsy Course Kidney Stone Course  Hybrid Fellowship Course: General Nephrology  Hybrid Fellowship Course: Dialysis Hybrid Fellowship Course: Transplantation  POCUS Curriculum  Find out more about...