Tag - kidney care

Kidney care focuses on the treatment, management and prevention of kidney diseases.

Renew Your Membership to Stay Up to Date With Weekly Educational Releases; Become an ISN Member to Start Learning at the Newly-Upgraded Academy

The ISN has redesigned its educational platform - the ISN Academy: Explore the intuitive design Test our new search engine Track your progress and collect your certificates Renew your membership here to access the Academy Watch a short video to familiarize yourself with the new layout. Access all webinar recordings here Discover courses and curriculum here Explore ISN meeting content here Discover the...

The Kidney International Reports Community Blog Space Now Offers CME Credits

KI Reports Community is an online blog space featuring a range of content, including expert commentaries, article summaries, and infographics for the KI Reports kidney care community. The initiative is led by Sophia Ambruso and presents material authored by an international collective of physicians. The current content, "Treatment of C3GN: What's Next for Complement's Alternative...

Obituary: Rashad Barsoum 1941 -2022

The ISN was deeply saddened to learn of the death of Professor Rashad Barsoum. Professor Barsoum served the ISN in several roles, including as ISN secretary-general from 1999-2005. He was a pillar of ISN’s most renowned programs, directing both the Fellowship and Sister Renal Centers Programs in the early 2000s. He received the Roscoe Robinson...

ISN Educational Ambassador’s Fourth Visit to Mongolian Hospital  Strengthens Kidney Care Team and Raises Awareness of Kidney Diseases

Dr. Mohamed Atta appears on national television in Mongolia during his recent visit to the country as ISN Educational Ambassador The ISN recently supported Dr. Mohamed G. Atta, Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, USA, to spend ten days presenting lectures and hands-on training in the State Second Central...

ISN Young Nephrologists Committee Member Appointed to the WHO Youth Council

Members of the WHO Director-General’s Youth Council ISN Young Nephrologists Committee (YNC) member, Marina Wainstein, has been selected to serve on the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General’s Youth Council for a term of two years. At the Youth Council, Marina Wainstein will engage with young people from health and non-health backgrounds worldwide to advise the Director-General...

Five ISN Social Media Initiatives Nominated for Awards

The ISN is excited to announce that five of its social media activities have been nominated for the #NephJCKidneys Awards by NephJC in the "Nathan Hellman Social Media Project of the Year" category. The nominations are for: The #ISNQuiz – access here ISN Video Abstract Series – all editions available at the ISN Academy, Twitter, and Instagram ISN Education...

The ISN Holds First Consensus Meeting on Guidance for Optimal Pre-clinical Animal Studies in Translational Nephrology (TRANSFORM)

The ISN’s TRANSFORM meeting (TRAnslational Nephrology Science FOR new Medications) took place in Brussels, Belgium, from October 8-9, 2022. The meeting gathered patients, clinical and academic researchers, regulators, and industry partners to: Report ISN Research Working Group activities describing the current landscape and future possibilities. Reach consensus on guidance that optimizes animal study design and drives the...

The ISN “Are Your Kidneys Healthy?” Quiz Now Available in Bangla!

Over 100,000 people have taken the quiz. If you are interested in helping us increase its reach by translating it into your language, please contact Monica at mmoorthy@theisn.org. The quiz is currently available in 14 languages - Amharic, Arabic, Bangla, Chinese, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Uzbek.

Partnership Arising From Mentorship Program Generates Investigation Into Hypertensive Nephrosclerosis Using Digital Spatial Profiling 

ISN Mentee Emmy Bell with ISN President and Mentor, Agnes Fogo The ISN Mentorship Program supports mutual learning partnerships within the ISN global community. Mentees work toward specific professional goals, while mentors develop coaching and leadership skills. Since December 2021, ISN mentee Dr. Emmy Bell, a nephrology specialist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB),...

The ISN Makes Recommendations in the Review of Updated Appendix 3 to the WHO Global NCD Action Plan

The ISN has officially submitted its list of comments on the recently published 2nd draft of the updated Appendix 3 to the “Global Action Plan for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) 2013–2030” to the World Health Organization (WHO). Designed to support the implementation of the action plan's six objectives, Appendix 3 outlines...

The Far-reaching Impact of the ISN Emerging Leaders Program

ISN-ELP 1 cohort member Dr. Robert Kalyesubula (center) holds an informal discussion with healthcare staff at PGIMER By Dr. Vivek Kumar, ISN-ELP 1 cohort member The ISN's Emerging Leaders Program selected fourteen professionals from around the world to form its inaugural cohort in 2020. Although no physical meetings took place due to COVID-19-related restrictions, the cohort members...

Join the ISN at the 63rd Annual Congress of the Italian Society of Nephrology in Italy, October 5-8, and Hear From ISN Western Europe Regional Board Chair, Rosanna Coppo

The 63rd Annual Congress of the Italian Society of Nephrology (SIN) will take place October 5-8, 2022, in Rimini, Italy. Rosanna Coppo, chair of the ISN Western Europe Regional Board, will deliver the talk ‘Treatment of IgA nephropathy: shall we select the drug or the patient?’ from 9-10 a.m. on October 8, Central European Summer...

Pandemic Preparedness and Systems Genetics: Preview Hot Topics in Kidney Health From Distinguished Speakers at WCN’23

Hear from renowned plenary speakers at our global kidney care gathering, the ISN World Congress of Nephrology 2023, in Bangkok, Thailand, from March 30-April 2. Dr. Barney Graham on "Rapid COVID-19 Vaccine Development and the Future of Pandemic Preparedness." Dr. Olga Troyanskaya on "Systems Genetics, Precision Medicine and the Kidney." Dr. Barney Graham is the former Deputy...

Reach a Global Audience: Submit Your Abstract to WCN’23 Before November 9

Submit your abstract here before midnight, November 9, 2022. All accepted abstracts will be presented as posters at the congress – one of the world's largest kidney care events – and published in the WCN’23 supplement to Kidney International Reports. The WCN’22 abstract supplement was accessed over 120,000 times within the first six months of publication...

ISN President Presents at the Congress of the College of Nephrologists of Mexico on September 21

The 55th Congress of the College of Nephrologists of Mexico takes place from September 21-24, 2022, in Mexico City, Mexico. ISN President Agnes Fogo will participate in the opening ceremony on September 21 and will deliver the talk ‘Mechanisms of Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease’ during the session ‘Adult Nephrology, Glomerulopathies’ on September 23, 2022,...

Improving Knowledge of Dialysis Techniques to Tackle High Demand in Cameroon Through the ISN-Swiss Society-Cameroon Society Partnership

The ISN-Swiss Society-Cameroon Society Partnership has been active since 2019. It is dedicated to advancing kidney care in Cameroon through joint initiatives. In the context of this partnership, Dr. Ngo Makang Marguerite Cecile, a nephrologist from Yaoundé General Hospital in Cameroon, undertook a six-month fellowship training in the nephrology unit at Geneva University Hospital in...

Celebrate Excellence in Kidney Care: More Time to Nominate a Candidate for the ISN 2023 Awards – Submit Your Nominations!

Do you know someone who has made a significant contribution to kidney care? The ISN Awards are a chance to recognize an individual's role in advancing global kidney health in line with the ISN’s mission. Find out more about ISN Awards here. The deadline to submit nominations for the ISN 2023 Awards is now September 26, 2022. Send all nominations,...

Join Us in Welcoming Ten New ISN Fellows From Albania, Kenya, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nigeria, the Philippines, Somalia, and Thailand

The ISN warmly congratulates these newly-appointed ISN Fellows. Get to know our new ISN Fellows here. These doctors from eight countries will spend between three and twelve months training at host centers worldwide, where they will receive hands-on training in their specialty area. Most training will take place in an ISN Regional Training Center. Once trained, ISN...