Vanesa Bijol

North America and the Caribbean

What difference did you make through your Educational Ambassadors training?

I have been involved in several Educational Ambassador Program (EAP) projects aimed to develop new or improve existing nephropathology service in areas of need. The goal was always to achieve reliable local diagnostic service for kidney disease. My successful EAP visits always included an experienced histotechnician, necessary for appropriate assessment and establishment of realistic improvement plans for the local nephropathology laboratories. We provided basic hands-on training for routine light and immunofluorescence microscopy kidney biopsy processing, as well as nephropathology workshops with didactic lectures and case discussions. In countries where local pathologists sought further professional training through different ISN programs, the EAP visits made the biggest long-term impact; changes that we implemented continued to live through the local effort, with the help of ISN.

What does the future look like?

I would love to continue on that path and explore other opportunities for development of nephropathology services in places of need.