Members - SRC Argentina-USA

What difference did you make through your Sister Center partnership?

Many staff members from EC spent time in different areas at Yale-New Haven Hospital, such as Peritoneal Dialysis, Renal Transplant, Nephropathology and Chronic Hemodialysis to improve, expand or initiate those areas at the EC. The Hemodialysis Unit was moved and modernized with Yale’s input on an efficient layout. The PD Program expanded greatly with the help of Yale PD expertise. Many of the Renal Fellows that rotated at Yale became Sanatorio Allende Faculty Members. Yale faculty were instrumental in expanding and modernizing the Transplant Program. Kidney Transplants increased from 20 to 50 during the SRC Program and are now up to 80 per year. Many papers were written jointly during the Program.

What does the future look like? 

Sanatorio Allende and Yale have consolidated a partnership that goes beyond the SRC. Even after the program finished, many staff members from both EC and SC have travelled for training and teaching. EC has now established another SRC pair with a Renal Service at San Juan Argentina. Yale’s input will continue to be important for the new SRC partnership.