Members - ISN-TTS STC Colombia-USA

What difference did you make through your Sister Center partnership?

Starting the STC with BCH, we created strategies to evaluate our experiences in KTx. We did retrospective research: 1. Fifteen years evaluation  of three immunosuppressive therapies in our pediatric renal transplant center 2. KTx in patients with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) with recurrence, almost 55%, in a collaborative study using BCH protocol:  plasmapheresis and high doses of Cyclosporine soon as the recurrence occurred with good results. 3.We improved the support in PICU post Tx, specially in patients less 6 y.o, decreasing related complications. 4.We introduced the TRANSITION program in order to increase adherence among the adolescent transplant patients.

What does the future look like?

To strengthen the new Kidney Transplant service at Hospital San José -Popayan, improving the immunological transplant lab and renal pathology infrastructure, all them supported by BCH and FVL Transplant services. To advance in the establishment of a Transplant program in Pasto, capital of Nariño´s state, area which is in urgent need to have it.