March 27, 2025
Grand Rounds in Pediatric Nephrology – An ISN-IPNA Sister Centers Initiative: The Role of Multidisciplinary Teams in Assessing Pediatric Kidney Transplant Recipients
- 2:00 PM CET
Profile of paediatric kidney transplant recipient is changing in the 21st century. Children with conditions leading to end stage kidney disease are surviving outside infancy and coming as transplant candidates earlier in childhood. In addition, we are transplanting children with multiple organs being affected.
Preparation for kidney transplant is key for good clinical outcomes. We explore transplant assessment of children with complex conditions and role of MDT.
Learning objectives:
- Essential pre transplant assessment of children going for kidney transplant
- Assessment of children with complexities
- Organising and delivering kidney transplant as MDT
Rukshana Shroff (UK)
Jelena Stojanovic (UK)
Natasa Stajic (Serbia)
Ana Petrovic (Serbia)