
Use of peritoneal dialysis in AKI under review in CJASN study

The role of peritoneal dialysis (PD) to treat patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) is currently being re-examined. This has occurred for several reasons. First, the recent experiences from Brazil have indicated that PD provides outcomes that are comparable to those of daily hemodialysis (HD). Secondly, there has been an expanding use of PD to...

Scientific writing course takes place at Bergamo Institute, Italy

The ISN Global Outreach (GO) Research and Prevention (R&P) Program offers research and educational programs in low-middle-income countries to bridge the gap in kidney research and patients care worldwide. In September, a scientific writing course at the Mario Negri Institute in Bergamo, Italy sought to increase kidney research in developing countries. The course took participants through...

Organ donations on the up says director of UK NHS Blood and Transplant

In the recent Transplant Activity Report 2012-13, Sally Johnson, Director of Organ Donation and Transplantation, NHS Blood and Transplant highlights a rise in organ donation for the fifth year in a row. This has seen the British National Health System achieve a fifty percent increase in deceased organ donors compared to 2007/8. Without organ donors...

2012 Impact Factor for Kidney International

The 2012 Impact Factors have just been released and the ISN is happy and proud to announce, that Kidney International (KI) has taken a leap forward from an impact factor of 6.606 in 2011 to a new all-time high of 7.916 in 2012. KI thereby strengthened its position amongst the two top nephrology journals publishing original clinical and...

ISN reacts to lab-grown kidney story

Lots of stories were published this week about a "laboratory-grown kidney" being transplanted into animals. The experiment published in Nature Medicine by Jeremy Strong and his co-workers from the Massachusetts General Hospital represents an exciting advance on the road to creating organs for those suffering from kidney disease. But how close are we, after this...