
Read the Latest ISN Journal Editorial Selections

Kidney International®  The ASCEND-NHQ Randomized Trial Found Positive Effects of Daprodustat on Hemoglobin and Quality of Life in Patients With Non-Dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease This clinical trial administered a daily daprodustat or a placebo pill to 614 patients with CKD and anemia for 28 weeks. People treated with daprodustat had a larger increase in hemoglobin and less...

“From Neglected NCD to Priority: Accelerating Action on Kidney Disease.” – ISNs first stand-alone event at the seventy-sixth World Health Assembly

The ISN, in partnership with the media platform Devex, held a side event of the 76th World Health Assembly (WHA76) in Geneva on May 24, 2023. The purpose of this gathering was to discuss the steps that are needed to make kidney health a priority in national and international policy. Speakers provided different perspectives on...

ISN Mentoring Partnership Awarded Clinical Research Grant to Complete Research Project – Inspired? Apply as a Mentee by July 1!

Dr. Stefano Picca mentored Dr. Sukanya Govindan from March 2021 until September 2022. Dr. Govindan’s goal was to develop a research proposal on neonatal acute kidney injury and gain experience in grant writing and submission to obtain research funding. She also wanted to acquire skills to conduct a randomized control trial. During the first year of...

Donate Now: Support the Kidney Care Community in Sudan to Overcome Critical Challenges Caused by the Conflict     

Read the joint ASN-ERA-ISN statement on Sudan and donate here. Due to the armed conflict in Sudan, dialysis supplies for the estimated 8000 people in the country who depend on dialysis to live are running low and need urgent replenishing. Some dialysis units have been damaged, and others are experiencing disruptions in water and electricity. The...

“From Zero to Transplant”: Nephrology Services in Pokhara, Nepal, Develop With Support From the ISN SRC Program

Hemodialysis nurses attend an advanced hemodialysis course at CMH in Pokhara, Nepal, during a visit from staff from Barts Health NHS Trust in London as part of initiatives developed through their partnership in the ISN sister renal Centers Program The renal unit at Barts Health NHS Trust in London, UK, and the Charak Memorial Hospital...

Calling Early-career Kidney Health Professionals – Apply Today to Become Tomorrow’s Leaders!

The ISN is now accepting applications for the next Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) cohort. The ISN welcomes applications from ISN members interested in positively impacting the future of kidney care. Apply here by September 30, 2023. The ELP aims to build a global talent pool of future leaders in kidney health. Through collaboration and research, successful...

ISN President Masaomi Nangaku to Deliver Talk on the ISN’s Future Direction at Annual Meeting in Japan

The 66th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Nephrology (JSN) will take place from June 9-11, 2023, in Yokohama, Japan. ISN President Masaomi Nangaku will deliver the talk, ‘Future Direction of the ISN,’ on June 11, during the JSN/ISN Joint Symposium, from 9-11 a.m. JST. The theme of the meeting is ‘Look Back on...

“A Truly Fantastic Resource”: Watch the Interview With ISN-GKHA Leads on the Third Edition of the ISN-Global Kidney Health Atlas

The third edition of the ISN-Global Kidney Health Atlas (ISN-GKHA) was launched at the World Congress of Nephrology 2023. Watch the video here. Adeera Levin, ISN-GKHA founder and lead, and ISN-GKHA Co-chairs David Johnson and Aminu Bello presented features and findings from the latest edition during an interview recorded at the ISN Kidney Studio. Download the 2023...

ISN Members – Watch More Free Content From the WCN’23 Spotlight Sessions!

Roberto Pecoits-Filho and Amina Rakisheva discuss the Optimization of RAASi Therapy Toolkit on the Spotlight Stage at WCN'23 Watch the WCN'23 Spotlight Sessions here. A Nephrology-Cardiology Initiative: Optimization of RAASi Therapy Toolkit* Roberto Pecoits-Filho, ISN Research Working Group member, and Amina Rakisheva, representing the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology (HFA-ESC), discuss the...

Accelerating Action on Kidney Disease in Support of Global Health: ISN at the 76th World Health Assembly

The ISN attended the 76th World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva from May 21 to 30, 2023, presenting five separate constituency statements and holding an inaugural stand-alone event in collaboration with Devex. Statements Three joint statements, co-signed with partners in the NCD Alliance and the World Heart Federation (WHF), focused on the following: Prioritizing noncommunicable diseases (NCDs),...

Read the Latest ISN Journal Editorial Selections

Kidney International® Editorial Selection Perspectives on Early Detection of CKD: The Facts, the Questions, and a Proposed Framework for 2023 and Beyond To guide stakeholders on whether to establish early detection and intervention programs for CKD, an ISN working group examines whether the benefits of early-detection programs outweigh the cost and potential moral hazard. The authors encourage...

Read and Share the World Kidney Day 2023 Impact Report

The World Kidney Day (WKD) 2023 campaign highlighted the impact of disastrous events on people with kidney disease, emphasizing the need for planned responses to minimize the effects of disrupted kidney care. Access the WKD 2023 impact report here. The report presents an overview of global activities, social media reach, and more. Find out how celebrities,...

“Our Assembly Hall Could Hardly Accommodate All Those Interested”: Advancing Kidney Care in Uzbekistan Through the ISN Educational Ambassadors Program

ISN Educational Ambassador, Dr. Aimun Ahmed, demonstrates puncture kidney biopsy as part of the week-long training program he gave at the RSSMPC of Nephrology and Transplantation in March 2023 "Our Assembly Hall Could Hardly Accommodate All Those Interested": Advancing Kidney Care in Uzbekistan Through the ISN Educational Ambassadors Program Find out how the ISN Educational Ambassadors...

The ISN Attends UK Kidney Week to Present on ISN’s Global Work on Kidney Care

The 2023 edition of UK Kidney Week, the largest UK event for kidney professionals, is underway until June 7. Yesterday, Nicki Thomas and Liz Lightstone* co-chaired the session "Learning Together With the International Society of Nephrology; How Global Perspectives on CKD Can Inform UK Practice." Dr. Gavin Dreyer presented a case study showcasing the positive impact...

Discover the Latest Video Abstracts

Watch the latest ISN video abstracts from the @ISNeducation Social Media Team. Watch the videos here. The videos are based on papers from Kidney International® and Kidney International Reports®: A Novel Direct Adenosine Monophosphate Kinase Activator Ameliorates Disease Progression in Preclinical Models of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Transitional B cell Cytokines Risk Stratify Early Borderline Rejection After Renal...

ISN Constituency Statement – Social determinants of health – at WHA76

76th World Health Assembly We applaud Member States for their recognition of pollution as a health risk factor and for seeking to take decisive action through this proposed resolution. Unfortunately, recognition of fossil fuels among the pollutants referenced in the text is conspicuous by its absence. Fossil fuels are a major driver of outdoor air pollution,...

Serving Nephrologists and People Living With Kidney Disease in Ukraine –  an Overview of the Ukrainian Association of Nephrologists by Its President

By UAN President Dmytro Ivanov  The first in a series of articles reflecting achievements and experiences discussed at a special ISN Affiliated Society Meeting held at WCN’23. The Ukrainian Association of Nephrologists (UAN) was established in 2019 and became affiliated with the ISN in 2020. Currently, the UAN has 224 members (there are about 400 nephrologists in...

“Acute Kidney Injury” and “Drugs and the Kidney” – Watch and Share Modules 17 and 18 in the Open-access Online Kidney Education for Primary Care Physicians Curriculum

Access the course here. Dr. Raja Ramachandran presents the basics of acute kidney injury (AKI) identification and treatment for primary care physicians. Dr. Urmila Anandh presents the latest concepts of pathophysiologic mechanisms, basic AKI treatment principles, drugs that can cause AKI, and the role of the primary caregiver in drug administration.

ISN Constituency Statement – Strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies – at WHA76

76th World Health Assembly Honourable Chair, Distinguished Delegates, Noncommunicable diseases, including cancer, chronic respiratory disease, mental health conditions, vision loss, and especially circulatory diseases, increase the vulnerability of populations to pandemics. An estimated 60-90% of mortality in COVID-19 cases is attributable to one or more comorbidities. The case-fatality ratio remains 10-30% among dialysis patients; moreover, data...

Attend the ISN-Endorsed 14th Podocyte Meeting in Philadelphia, USA

The 14th Biennial International Podocyte Conference will take place in person from May 24-26, 2023, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. This three-day conference will cover key themes in podocyte and nephrotic syndrome research ranging from podocyte signaling pathways and genetic screening to disease models and drug development. A one-day meeting for early-career researchers precedes the conference on...