
Call For Nominations: ISN-KI Early Career Researcher Award

In recognition of Early Career Researchers, the ISN and Kidney International (KI) are calling for nominations toward selecting four best original research papers (two each in basic and clinical science) published in KI in 2019 and 2020. The nomination period opens on January 21, 2021. Papers will be assessed on the novelty of research, robustness, and...

Kidney International Highlights ISN’s 60th Anniversary Research and Historical Studies Series

“Milestones in nephrology and welcoming the future: the 61st anniversary of the International Society of Nephrology ” has been published in Kidney International. The year 2020 marked ISN’s 60th anniversary. In honor of this achievement, the ISN Research Working Group, supported by the ISN Young Nephrologists Committee, highlighted 60 + 1 breakthrough discoveries of significant...

ISN Journals

In July 2020, all three of the ISN journal websites (,, and, were converted from traditional article pages to a new responsive design format to better respond to the needs of readers and the devices they’re using. Kidney International Current Impact Factor 8.945 Submissions: 2745 Countries submitted: 72 Original research articles Reviewed: 506 Original research articles Accepted: 90 KI...

ISN Journals eDigest: A Companion to December Editions

The ISN released a companion ISN Journals eDigest last week to coincide with the December issue of Kidney International dedicated to the COVID-19 pandemic. Packed with complementary material, including visual abstracts, video abstract, and podcast, the ISN Journals eDigest content is also available on the ISN website. Look out for more ISN Journal eDigests in the...

Caring for Patients with Kidney Failure: Ten-Year Strategy

This month’s Supplement to Kidney International features the detailed description of a global strategic plan for care of patients with kidney failure. The strategy is to be implemented progressively over the next decade. As noted in the accompanying editorial, there is a huge gap between the total global number of patients with kidney failure and...

KI publishes ISN’s International Consensus Definitions of Clinical Trial Outcomes for Kidney Failure: 2020

Kidney International has published the International Consensus Definitions of Clinical Trial Outcomes for Kidney Failure: 2020, developed from the 1st International Consensus Meeting on Defining Kidney Failure in Clinical Trials hosted by the ISN in Vancouver, BC, Canada, in early 2020. Kidney failure is an important outcome for patients, clinicians, researchers, healthcare systems, payers, and regulators. However,...

International Perspectives on Patient Involvement in Clinical Trials in Nephrology

The involvement of patients in nephrology clinical trials is limited despite their ability to prioritize research, help with study design, participation, and implementation of results. The aim of this position paper is to review the need for and challenges of patient involvement; to assess the present situation of patient involvement; and to describe the...

Functional Assessment of Fatigue and Other Patient-Reported Outcomes in Patients Enrolled in the Global aHUS Registry

This longitudinal studyassessedfatigue and treatment status in patients with Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) from the Global aHUS Registry. The results confirm the detrimental effects of aHUS on patients’ daily lives, especially in terms of fatigue,butdemonstratessignificant improvement in symptoms following treatment with eculizumab.

A Planetary Health Perspective for Kidney Disease

In response to factors such as climate change, unsustainable kidney-treatment methods, and CKD epidemics due to toxins and extreme working conditions, the authors urge nephrologists to pay particular attention to the effects of global warming and its potential to cause acute and chronic kidney injury, severe dehydration, and electrolyte disturbances. The authors propose a “planetary health” approach...

Young ISN Members Reflect on Working Conditions During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Young ISN members continue to work on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic. Rhys Evans, a member of the ISN Young Nephrologists Committee, asked young ISN members from India, Ecuador, and Nigeria, to reflect on their experiences. Read reflections from other young ISN members here. Find resources relating to the COVID-19 infection here. Reflections from Chandigarh, India Joyita Bharati, Assistant...

How Is COVID-19 Affecting You? ISN Members Reply

As COVID-19 continues to have a global impact, the ISN reached out to its members around the world to hear about the crisis in their own words. Below are some first-hand accounts. What has your experience been so far? ISN members are encouraged to tell us on Twitter or Facebook using #ThisIsISN and have your testimonial added here. “During the quarantine period, my life...

KDIGO Report to be published in Kidney International and Kidney International Reports

KDIGO’s Nomenclature for Kidney Function and Disease Conference Report and Glossary will be released in the June issue of Kidney International. An executive summary and glossary will be published in KI Reports. The KDIGO consensus conference took place in June 2019 providing a platform to discuss standardizing and refining kidney-related terminology to be more patient-centered and precise and to...

Announcing the ISN Global Kidney Care Podcast

The ISN Global Kidney Care Podcast (GKCP) , to be launched this month, will initially focus on the COVID-19 pandemic. Over time, the GKCP will provide content on science, research, and clinical aspects of nephrology, including: Case-Based Discussions Paradox Nephrology Everyday Nephrologists Latest Kidney International and Kidney International Reports Papers The GKCP will be available via numerous podcast platforms and apps, including Apple, Stitcher, Spotify,...

ISN-H4KH Research Abstracts Published in Kidney International Reports

In 2018, Sandra Wagner (France), Angie Aguilar-Gonzalez (Guatemala), and Amarasiri de Silva (Sri Lanka/USA) received ISN-H4KH (Hydration for Kidney Health) Grants for their respective projects. All three recipients had their abstracts accepted for presentation at WCN’20 and, consequently, published in Kidney International Reports. Sandra Wagner et al. investigated the association between Uosm and eGFR decline; and the...

ISN President, Vivek Jha, takes the lead on the “Novel Coronavirus 2019 Epidemic and Kidneys”

Novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a newly discovered contagious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus, primarily manifesting as an acute respiratory illness with interstitial and alveolar pneumonia, but can affect multiple organs such as kidney, heart, digestive tract, blood and nervous system. The rapidly spreading outbreak which first emerged in Wuhan, Hubei Province in China...