
Past ISN Fellows Contribute to New Research Article on Kidney Transplantation in LMICs

Five former ISN Fellows have collaborated with ISN member Mohamed Elrggal on the paper “Disparities in Access to Kidney Transplantation in Developing Countries,” now published in the journal Transplantation. Sibel Bek, Ali Shendi, Elliot Tannor, Yannick Nlandu, and Abduzhappar Gaipov contributed to the article, which examines factors implicated in deficiencies in kidney replacement therapy...

Landmark Kidney Transplant Takes Place in Cameroon

Aristide Eric Nono Tomta, Yaoundé General Hospital, Cameroon On November 10, the first living donor kidney transplant was successfully carried out in Central Africa by a team from the Yaoundé General Hospital in Cameroon, collaborating with health professionals from the University Hospital in Yaoundé and the University of Geneva Hospitals in Switzerland. Watch a local news...

Three ISN Fellows Pass Pediatric Nephrology Sub-Specialty Certificate Exams

                     The ISN congratulates Privilage Makanda from Zimbabwe, Thembisile Mosalakatane from Botswana, and Paul Mashanga from Zambia. All three ISN Fellows passed the Pediatric Nephrology Sub-Specialty Certificate exam as part of their fellowship training at Red Cross Memorial Children’s Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. The...

Meet Three Newly-Appointed ISN-KI Editorial Fellows and Seven ISN-KI Editorial Interns

Please join us in welcoming the 2021 ISN-KI Editorial Fellows who will train alongside the Kidney International (KI) editorial team from October 2021 to April 2023. ISN-KI Clinical Editorial Fellow Amélie Bernier-Jean, Canada, nephrologist and early career clinician-scientist at the Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur in Montreal. She received the KI reviewer of the year award.   ISN-KI Basic and...

Introducing the Second Detlef Schlöndorff ISN Fellow

Ahmad Naseer Kaihan has become the second Detlef Schlöndorff ISN Fellowship recipient. His training is supported by the Detlef Schlöndorff Fellowship Fund. Ahmad Naseer Kaihan will travel from his home center, the Payem Sehat Hospital in Afghanistan, to the MGM Healthcare center in India. He will spend 12 months training in clinical nephrology under supervision...

Ten Days Left to Apply for an ISN Fellowship

The ISN is currently welcoming applications for ISN Fellowships. Apply here by October 1, 2021. Find out how ISN Fellowships have been helping improve kidney care worldwide for over three decades here. Through ISN Fellowships, doctors from developing countries can train in essential kidney care abroad to help advance kidney health in their home region. ISN...

Advance Kidney Care in Your Region: Apply For an ISN Fellowship Before October 1

Dana Gaudard, ISN Fellow from 2017-2018 The ISN is currently welcoming applications for ISN Fellowships. Interested candidates are encouraged to find and contact a host institution as early as possible to develop a personalized training plan. Apply for an ISN Fellowship grant here. The ISN Fellowship Program provides funding to young nephrologists from low and middle-income countries...

Celebrating the Winners of the ISN Fellowship (Abstract) Awards 2021

The ISN Fellowship (Abstract) Award winners for 2021 were recognized in the Awards Gallery at WCN’21 for their achievements in nephrology. Congratulations to Abduzhappar Gaipov, Farah Gul Khan, and Privilage Makanda-Charambira for their outstanding achievements. The ISN Fellowship Committee selected these winners based on the abstract accepted at WCN’21 and the Fellows’ role in the...

Advance Kidney Care in Your Region: Only a Few Days Left to Apply for an ISN Fellowship

The deadline to apply for an ISN Fellowship is May 1. Read the application guidelines and apply here. Applicants are especially encouraged to consider applying at our newly-designated ISN Regional Training Centers. Candidates interested in a 12-month clinical training will need to complete the ISN Fellowship Foundation Course on the ISN Academy. Please contact fellowship@theisn.org if you have...

Announcing the Winners of the ISN Fellowship Awards 2021

Every two years, at the occasion of the World Congress of Nephrology, the ISN Fellowship Committee recognizes a selection of recent and current ISN Fellows for their ongoing achievements. The ISN is pleased to announce three winners of the ISN Fellowship Awards 2021.  The ISN Fellowship Committee selected these winners based on the abstract accepted...

Apply For an ISN Fellowship Before May 1

The ISN Fellowship Program provides funding to young nephrologists from low and middle-income countries to receive hands-on training in advanced host institutions abroad. The deadline to apply is May 1, 2021. Apply for an ISN Fellowship grant here. Applicants should provide a detailed training plan to help the ISN Fellowship Committee ascertain a match between the...

ISN Fellows are inspiring leadership in nephrology

The ISN Fellowship Program prides itself in training physicians from emerging countries, with the ultimate goal of helping them improve the standards of care on a regional level. Since 1985, the ISN Fellowship Program has supported over 800 fellows from 90 countries. Our testimonies reveal how the program encourages professional fulfilment, ambition and aspiration, helping...

Managing Cameroon’s kidney disease patients

Victorine Bandolo Nzana, from Yaoundé University Teaching Hospital in Cameroon, was awarded an ISN-Salmasi Family Fellowship. Learning from staff at Chennai’s Madras Medical Mission Hospital in India, she broadened her knowledge of interventional nephrology, bridging the gaps in care for patients at the center and across the region.   As a recognized ISN Training Center, the...

ISN Fellows Collaborate on Research Project exploring Transplantation Access Patterns

At the World Congress of Nephrology 2017 in Mexico, ISN Fellows from around the world created a WhatsApp group to share experience and progress. Dr. Mohammed Elrggal, from the Nephrology Department at the Kidney and Urology Center in Alexandria, Egypt, initiated a collaborative research project exploring AKI practice patterns in all the Fellows’ home countries. The study...

Reverse Fellowship Spotlight: Martyn Fredlund

In 2019, Martyn Fredlund became the first ISN Reverse Fellow. He spent a year at the Mseleni Hospital in South Africa to train local health care providers using the tools developed by the ISN 0by25 pilot study. Dr. Fredlund offered acute kidney injury training across ten community health centers as part of the Kidney Care...

Cross regional fellowship training links Kenya and South Africa

ISN Fellow John Mutiso, from Makueni County Referral Hospital in Kenya, spent a year under the mentorship of Graham Paget and Charlotte Maxeke at the Johannesburg Academic Hospital in South Africa to train in clinical nephrology. According to Dr. Mutiso, significant strides in kidney care have been made in Kenya, but: “politicians and policymakers need...

Fellowship snapshot: Mirna Aleckovic-Halilovic from Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dr. Mirna Aleckovic-Halilovic, from the Clinic of Internal diseases at the University Clinical Center Tuzla in Bosnia and Herzegovina, trained for six months under Dr. Ahmed Aimun at the Royal Preston Hospital in the UK in 2015. There is an ongoing Sister Renal Center (SRC) pairing between these institutions. Dr. Aleckovic-Halilovic was able to improve...

Fellowship snapshot: Abduzhappar Gaipov from Kazakhstan

An ISN member since 2012, Abduzhappar Gaipov, from Kazakhstan, became an ISN Investigator in 2014, getting involved in the AKI Global Snapshot study. He completed a certified online course on Renal Pathology (ISN-ANIO CNC Program) in 2016. At that time he joined the Young Nephrologists Committee and began serving on the ISN NIS &...

ISN Fellowship Program: Announcing 2019 Fellows from second round of applications

The ISN congratulates 22 new 2019 Fellows after the second round of applications. The successful applicants come from all over the globe: Africa, Latin America, NIS and Russia, and South Asia. The ISN fellowship program http://fellowship.theisn.org/ provides tailor-made training from host institutions to health care professionals from low-resource countries. The Fellows aim to improve kidney health care...

Congratulations to the winners of the inaugural ISN-KI Editorial Fellowship

The ISN-KI Editorial Fellowship will be awarded annually by ISN in conjunction with Kidney International (KI) to two ISN members who are early-career researchers in nephrology, dialysis or kidney transplantation. The 2019-20 ISN-KI Editorial Fellowship winners are Dr. Anna Francis, a pediatric nephrologist at Queensland Children Hospital and post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Sydney,...