Scientific Writing Course

The ISN and TSN Join Forces to Advance Kidney Care

At the event, ISN President Masaomi Nangaku presented information on the ISN Scientific Writing Program to be held in Taiwan in December The ISN participated in joint sessions with the Taiwan Society of Nephrology (TSN) at their Spring Academic Conference at the end of April. ISN President Masaomi Nangaku contributed to these sessions, presenting on the...

“The Best Course I Have Ever Taken in My Whole Career”: The African Premiere of the ISN Scientific Writing Course Earns High Praise

SWC faculty and participants in Cairo The ISN partnered with the Egyptian Society of Nephrology and Transplantation (ESNT) to deliver an ISN Scientific Writing Course (SWC) in Cairo, Egypt, from 11 – 13 February 2024. Kicking off the first ISN Scientific Writing Course in Africa in beautiful Cairo! Thank you @ESTN_Egy for the warm welcome! Promising...

Enhancing Scientific Writing Skills in Turkey: Testimonials From Course Participants

From left to right: Caner Alparslan, ISN Young Nephrologists Committee member (Turkey); SWC faculty members Rümeyza Kazancioğlu (Turkey), Hans Peter Marti (Norway), and Zdenka Hruskova (Czech Republic); and host and BANTAO president Mustafa Arici (Turkey)* The ISN held a Scientific Writing Course (SWC) in Istanbul from October 5-7 at Istanbul University's central campus. During the three-day...