
ISN Members – Access the New ISN Course on Qualitative Research

Course leaders, speakers and ISN staff prepare for an online interactive session as part of the new ISN course on qualitative research ISN has launched a new course on the ISN Academy, "Introduction to Qualitative Health Research." The course comprises six lectures and is available to all ISN members and Academy subscribers. It covers the purpose...

Postuler en Français pour l’ISN Clinical Research Program

L'ISN est fière de s’associer à la Société Francophone de Néphrologie Dialyse et Transplantation (SFNDT) pour offrir de l’aide aux chercheurs francophones souhaitant postuler au « Clinical Research Program » en 2023. Les chercheurs éligibles peuvent soumettre leur proposition complète en français à  pour recevoir de l'aide pour traduire leur proposition en anglais selon les normes...

Announcing the 2022 Grantees From the ISN Clinical Research Program

Top: Sukanya Govindan, Deblina Dasgupta. Bottom: Lot Nehemie Phinehas Motoula Latou, Thanh Van Nguyen The ISN warmly congratulates the following researchers who received grants from the ISN Clinical Research Program to undertake vital research to advance kidney care in their communities. Sukanya Govindan (India) "Aminophylline for Preventing Acute Kidney Injury in Sick Neonates" Deblina Dasgupta (India) "AKD and CKD...

The ISN Sister Renal Centers Partnerships Share Achievements and Challenges in Virtual Networking Workshops

  Participants at the SRC virtual networking workshops, sessions 1 and 2, chaired by Rukshana Shroff – deputy chair of the SRC Program Committee, and Chih-Wei Yang – chair of the SRC Program Committee Seventy participants from around the world took part in workshops organized by the ISN Sister Renal Centers (SRC) Program Committee in...

Kidney International Publishes Results From the ISN Emerging Leaders’ Survey Exploring Barriers to Accessing Essential Medicines for People With CKD in Lower Income Countries

The first ISN Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) cohort developed a web-based multinational survey of healthcare workers to assess access and explore barriers to essential medicines in low and low to middle-income countries for people with CKD. Read the article on the results of the survey here. The survey confirms data from the 2019 ISN Global Kidney...

ISN Educational Ambassador’s Fourth Visit to Mongolian Hospital  Strengthens Kidney Care Team and Raises Awareness of Kidney Diseases

Dr. Mohamed Atta appears on national television in Mongolia during his recent visit to the country as ISN Educational Ambassador The ISN recently supported Dr. Mohamed G. Atta, Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, USA, to spend ten days presenting lectures and hands-on training in the State Second Central...

Partnership Arising From Mentorship Program Generates Investigation Into Hypertensive Nephrosclerosis Using Digital Spatial Profiling 

ISN Mentee Emmy Bell with ISN President and Mentor, Agnes Fogo The ISN Mentorship Program supports mutual learning partnerships within the ISN global community. Mentees work toward specific professional goals, while mentors develop coaching and leadership skills. Since December 2021, ISN mentee Dr. Emmy Bell, a nephrology specialist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB),...

The Far-reaching Impact of the ISN Emerging Leaders Program

ISN-ELP 1 cohort member Dr. Robert Kalyesubula (center) holds an informal discussion with healthcare staff at PGIMER By Dr. Vivek Kumar, ISN-ELP 1 cohort member The ISN's Emerging Leaders Program selected fourteen professionals from around the world to form its inaugural cohort in 2020. Although no physical meetings took place due to COVID-19-related restrictions, the cohort members...

Improving Medical Teaching Skills in South America Through the ISN Mentorship Program

From left to right: Dr. Carolina Acosta (academic director, UCA Asunción), Dr. María Magdalena Mayor (dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, UCA Asunción), Dr. Francisco Santa-Cruz (ISN Mentor and director of research at UCA Asunción) and Dr. René Scalet dos Santos Neto (ISN Mentee and Professor of medicine, Faculdades Pequeno Principe) at the Hydroelectrolytic Disorders...

Improving Knowledge of Dialysis Techniques to Tackle High Demand in Cameroon Through the ISN-Swiss Society-Cameroon Society Partnership

The ISN-Swiss Society-Cameroon Society Partnership has been active since 2019. It is dedicated to advancing kidney care in Cameroon through joint initiatives. In the context of this partnership, Dr. Ngo Makang Marguerite Cecile, a nephrologist from Yaoundé General Hospital in Cameroon, undertook a six-month fellowship training in the nephrology unit at Geneva University Hospital in...

Join Us in Welcoming Ten New ISN Fellows From Albania, Kenya, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nigeria, the Philippines, Somalia, and Thailand

The ISN warmly congratulates these newly-appointed ISN Fellows. Get to know our new ISN Fellows here. These doctors from eight countries will spend between three and twelve months training at host centers worldwide, where they will receive hands-on training in their specialty area. Most training will take place in an ISN Regional Training Center. Once trained, ISN...

ISN Educational Ambassador Program Facilitates Hybrid Course on Clinical and Interventional Nephrology in Egypt

Participants are instructed on point-of-care ultrasound at a workshop at the ISN Ambassadors training program in Egypt An ISN Educational Ambassadors (EA) training program was held at Dikirnis Central Hospital in Dakahlia, Egypt, in July. The sessions, led by ISN Educational Ambassador Prof. Ahmed Akl, and Dr. Ahmed Albeyaly, director of Dakahlia Ministry of Health, nephrology sector,...

The ISN ELP Program 2022 Cohort on Climate Change and the Urgent Need for Green Nephrology

By Wing-Shing Fung, on behalf of the ISN Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) 2022 cohort* Climate change is the biggest health threat humanity is currently facing [1], and its impact on health is devastating. Indeed, climate change is expected to cause approximately 250,000 additional deaths per year between 2030 and 2050 [2]. The global temperature has...

ISN Members – Are You Making the Most of What’s On Offer? Explore the ISN’s Specialized Fellowship Options and Apply by October 1

To help build capacity where it is most needed, the ISN collaborates with several organizations, regional societies, and partners to sponsor and promote fellowships in specific regions and specializations. These include fellowships for: nephrologists wishing to train in dialysis, AKI, or pediatric nephrology nephrologists from the Asia-Pacific region, Latin America, or South Asia nephrologists wishing to train in...

Young Nephrologists in China: Apply to Train in Clinical Nephrology Through the IACN-ISN-HKSN Scholarship

The IACN-ISN-HKSN Scholarship supports young nephrologists to train in clinical nephrology for three months in China, including Hong Kong. The grant is a joint initiative from the International Association of Chinese Nephrologists (IACN), the ISN, and the Hong Kong Society of Nephrology (HKSN). Applications are available in Chinese. Find out more and apply here by...

Up to Twelve Months of Training to Benefit Kidney Health in Your Community: Apply for an ISN Fellowship Before October 1

ISN Fellowship grants are open to young ISN members from lower, lower-middle and upper-middle income countries. The deadline to apply is October 1, 2022 – apply here. Successful applicants receive high-quality, hands-on training for up to 12 months at a host center. Former ISN Fellow Muhammad Mohsin Riaz went on to open the first peritoneal dialysis center...

From ISN Fellow to Emerging Leader: Maximizing Personal Potential Through ISN Granting Programs to Advance Kidney Care in Nigeria

Dr. Onu Ugochi Chika, from the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH) Enugu State, Nigeria, completed an ISN Fellowship training program in 2017 at the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) Chandigarh, India, under the mentorship of Prof. Krishan Lal Gupta, alongside support from Prof. Ifeoma Ulasi at her home center. The training...

The ISN Welcomes 15 New ISN Interventional Nephrology Scholars

Find the list of successful candidates here. These doctors will receive training in interventional nephrology (IN) for one to three months at an ISN Interventional Nephrology Training Centre. After training, they will use their new skills to help improve kidney care in their home region. IN trainees complete an online course on interventional nephrology on the ISN...

The ISN Supports South Africa Renal Association Congress – Apply for Support from the CME Program for Your Congress

Delegates at the South Africa Renal Association Congress   The ISN recently supported Wesam Ismail, chair of the ISN Renal Pathology Working Group and African Regional Board Member, to present a talk on basic histology and laboratory practice at the South Africa Renal Congress 2022, Durban, South Africa. Presenting virtually, ISN Past President Vivek Jha gave the...