
Obituary: John Thomas Herrin (1936 – 2020)

The ISN is saddened to announce the death of Dr. John Thomas Herrin, who passed away on October 25, 2020. Dr. Herrin graduated with a medical degree from Melbourne University and went on to specialize in nephrology at St Vincent's and Royal Children's Hospitals in Melbourne. He later held positions at the Shriners Burns Institute,...


The ISN is saddened to announce the death of Hussein Mohammad Attia Sheashaa who passed away on October 31, 2020. A Professor of Internal Medicine (Nephrology) at the Urology and Nephrology Center, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt, he was also a champion and leader of Nephrology education. Professor Sheashaa was the Academic Guide for Nephrology Doctorate...

ISN Welcomes its First Emerging Leaders Cohort – Congratulations

ISN is delighted to announce the first cohort of candidates for its new Emerging Leaders Program (ELP). We received a large number of worthy applications and, based on criteria that would allow forming a strong cohort, the Steering Committee selected 14 successful candidates from 12 countries. The ISN looks forward to working with these talented future...

ISN Key Speaker at XV Russian Dialysis Society National Virtual Conference with CME Course

ISN past president David Harris will be a key speaker at the event, delivering two talks on November 7: “What is new in CKD treatment?” from 12:50-2 p.m., and “When to start dialysis” from 3:30-4:40 p.m. (Russian time.) The Russian Dialysis Society National Conference with CME course is an annual conference attracting more than 500 participants from...


The ISN is adapting to new global circumstances by creating successful events despite travel and gathering restrictions. The ISN Continuing Medical Education (CME) Program supports faculty experts to present virtual talks and workshops at regional, nephrology-related meetings. What educational program could help improve kidney care in your local community? We can offer support by: facilitating the involvement of expert speakers providing technical support to deliver...


Does your center need expert guidance to develop: new initiatives, skills or services, community-based research, or screening programs? The ISN welcomes applications for the Educational Ambassadors Program. Educational Ambassadors help improve clinical care in: clinical cases and research in dialysis, interventional nephrology, renal pathology, transplantation, and peritoneal dialysis. This tailored guidance increases the confidence of professionals, including nurses and technicians, as well as helps improve patients' quality of life and survival rate. The ISN identifies a suitable expert...

Advance Nephrology in Your Region: Apply for ISN Interventional Nephrology Training Center Recognition before October 15

The deadline to apply for the ISN Interventional Nephrology Training Center status is October 15. Nephrology Training Centers work with the ISN to provide in-depth training in interventional nephrology to improve patient care in different world regions. Applications are now open to institutions from all countries. See full eligibility criteria and guidelines on how to apply...

An ISN Fellow’s Journey Continues Back in Tanzania and Virtually

Dr. Amar Swali Performs a USG-guided percutaneous kidney biopsy at Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital Dr. Amar Swali, from Dar-es-Salaam in Tanzania, is an ISN Fellow who has been receiving training at the Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital in Nadiad, Gujarat, India, since mid-October 2019. Dr. Amar affirms that he has surpassed his initial goals during the fellowship....

ISN Member Special Registration Rate for APCN 2020

This discount code is valid only until September 20, 2020. The 18th Asian Pacific Congress of Nephrology (APCN 2020) takes place from October 2 - 4, 2020 in a FULLY VIRTUAL format under the theme: Combating CKD in the Asia Pacific: Local Strategies for a Global Problem The congress features world-class plenary speakers, including: 2019 Nobel Laureate in...

SRC and STC Pairs Continue their Work Virtually Despite COVID-19 Epidemic

Despite global restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Sister Renal Centers (SRC) and Sister Transplant Centers (ISN-TTS STC) partnerships have continued to collaborate within the programs over the last few months through interactive webinars. Recordings of these sessions are available for ISN members on the ISN Academy. Health professionals at the University Hospital Center in...

Develop Your Career: Apply for the ISN-ANIO CNC Basic Program

Applications are open until October 31, 2020.  Click here to apply The year-long ISN-ANIO Clinical Nephropathology Certificate Basic Program includes over 40 recorded online lectures and 12 live monthly webinars covering the main principles and practices of Nephropathology. Tuition fees are waived for trainees in MD, DNB, DM, or Ph.D. from low and lower-middle-income countries. Any questions...

Clinical Research Program Spotlight: Alao Michael Abel Studies Community-based Prevalence of CKD in Southwest Nigeria.

Clinical Research Program Grant Recipient, Alao Michael Abel from Nigeria, presents a research project seeking to determine the community-based prevalence of CKD using cystatin C-based eGFR of the pediatric population in Ogbomoso, Southwest Nigeria in this video: See other Clinical Research success stories

Spotlight on the ISN Scientific Writing Course 2017

The ISN Scientific Writing Course 2017 allowed young nephrologists from South Asia to improve their skills in designing and publishing clinical research in nephrology. The course consisted of a series of short lectures, writing exercises, and discussions. The sessions were designed to incorporate mentoring at every level of manuscript writing from abstract and methods to...

Stepping up Nephrology Care in Samoa

An ISN Continuing Medical Education (CME) course took place in Samoa as part of an initiative to strengthen ties between the ISN, the Asia Pacific Society of Nephrology (ASPN), the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology (ANZSN), and the National Kidney Foundation Samoa (NKFS). The aim was to provide valuable training to local doctors...

CME in Tajikistan makes first step to advance nephrology training

In 2018, an ISN Continuing Medical Education (CME) meeting was held in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, attended by medical students and professionals from Iran, Russia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, and Lithuania. The course, hosted by the head of the Tajik Society of Nephrology, Ahtam Sadikov, comprised 15 lectures with a question and answer session after...

Rea Judit Jerabekne Vegh

Rea Judit Jerabekne Vegh (center right) demonstrating hemodialysis techniques to nurses at the Charak Memorial Hospital (CMH) in Nepal. Rea Judit Jerabekne Vegh, a registered nurse from Diaverum and Guys and St Thomas NHS Hospital in the UK, spent two weeks as an ISN Educational Ambassador at the Charak Memorial Hospital (CMH), in Pokhara, Nepal,...

Educational Ambassadors Train Egypt’s Young Nephrologists

ISN Educational Ambassadors, Ahmed Akl and Osama Ibrahim El Shahat, visited Belkas Central Hospital in Mansoura, Egypt, to share knowledge and experience with teams of young nephrologists at primary care health centers and hemodialysis satellite units in the country. Ahmed Akl is Nephrology Associate Professor at Fakeeh College of Medical Sciences, Jeddah, and KSA and...

Myanmar Educational Ambassador visit brings pediatric transplantation to country

Dr. Kar Hui Ng from the National University of Singapore In 2018, Dr. Yi Yi Khin, from Yangon Children’s Hospital (YCH) in Myanmar, organized an Educational Ambassador visit from Ambassador Kar Hui Ng from the National University of Singapore. Dr. Ng spent a week at the host center to give training in dialysis and transplantation...

Sister Renal Center Partnership Spotlight: Fiji – Australia

Emerging Institution: Colonial War Memorial Hospital, Fiji; Supporting Institution: Concord Repatriation General Hospital, Australia. When the partnership was formed in 2014, the goal was to establish the first Nephrology service in Fiji, acting as a hub for the development of Nephrology in the Pacific Islands. Supported by the program, the hospital published a paper demonstrating that Fiji has one...