
13th International Podocyte Conference: July 27-31, 2021 – The University of Manchester, UK & Online

Save the date for the 13th International Podocyte meeting, open to participants from all over the world. There will be 3 sections to the meeting as follows: Pre-meeting focused on early career researchers (Tuesday, July 27) Models to investigate podocyte biology. Podocyt-omics: big data, big discoveries? Round table discussions: What is left there to discover? How to be successful Podocyte Researcher Main...

Get Inspired by the ISN@Work Gallery on the WCN’21 Platform

Viviane Calice-Silva, from Brazil, was awarded an ISN Clinical Research Grant in 2014. This grant allowed her to investigate the use of salivary urea nitrogen (SUN) dipsticks for acute kidney injury detection in areas with low diagnostic resources. Her study was later replicated in Africa, and different steps of the project have been published in...

ISN-H4KH Grant Awardee Has Research Results Published in KI Reports

In 2018, Amarasiri de Silva (Sri Lanka/USA) received an ISN-H4KH (Hydration for Kidney Health) Fellowship Grant. His abstract, "POS-314 People’s knowledge of Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology in Sri Lanka," was accepted for presentation at WCN21 and published in Kidney International Reports. Amarasiri de Silva investigated a Sri Lankan population's knowledge of CKDu, and their...

Plan a Scientific Meeting Online Through the ISN Continuing Medical Education Program

Applications for ISN Continuing Medical Education (CME) meetings are accepted throughout the year. Discover the CME Program here. Due to ongoing travel and social restrictions resulting from the coronavirus pandemic, the CME Program has adapted to support faculty experts to present virtual talks and workshops at regional nephrology-related meetings. What educational content could help improve kidney...

Virtual Edition: 2021 ISN Scientific Writing Course

The ISN Online Scientific Writing Course, cohosted by the Sociedad LatinoAmericana de Nefrología e Hypertensión (SLANH), began on Saturday May 8. The course, comprising four live sessions via Zoom, will take place on consecutive Saturdays until May 29. SLANH's President, Dr. Alejandro Ferreiro Fuentes, introduced the first session, welcoming ten selected participants - young ISN...

Apply Now for an ISN-KI Editorial Fellowship

The ISN and Kidney International (KI) welcome expressions of interest from early-career nephrologists and scientists working in nephrology, dialysis, and transplantation for two positions as ISN-KI Editorial Fellows in 2021-2023. ISN-KI Fellowships are non-funded positions offering training to candidates with a strong background in clinical and basic science nephrological research to: Critically assess and handle manuscripts Evaluate...

Announcing the Updated ISN-ACT Clinical Trials Toolkit

An updated edition of the ISN-ACT Clinical Trials Toolkit is now available. It includes additional content and new resources. The Toolkit was updated and improved based on feedback from the ISN-ACT Toolkit subgroup and the nephrology community. The Toolkit is an ISN open-access, online resource to guide trial design, study conduct, data management, data analysis, and publications....

Celebrating the Winners of the ISN Fellowship (Abstract) Awards 2021

The ISN Fellowship (Abstract) Award winners for 2021 were recognized in the Awards Gallery at WCN’21 for their achievements in nephrology. Congratulations to Abduzhappar Gaipov, Farah Gul Khan, and Privilage Makanda-Charambira for their outstanding achievements. The ISN Fellowship Committee selected these winners based on the abstract accepted at WCN’21 and the Fellows’ role in the...

Advance Kidney Care in Your Region: Only a Few Days Left to Apply for an ISN Fellowship

The deadline to apply for an ISN Fellowship is May 1. Read the application guidelines and apply here. Applicants are especially encouraged to consider applying at our newly-designated ISN Regional Training Centers. Candidates interested in a 12-month clinical training will need to complete the ISN Fellowship Foundation Course on the ISN Academy. Please contact if you have...

Launching this Week: First Session of the “Grand Rounds in Pediatric Nephrology” Program

The first "Grand Rounds" session, “Management of Renal Bone Disease,” will be presented by Ruskshana Shroff from Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK, and Sukanya Govindan, Mehta Multispeciality Hospitals, Chennai, India, on Friday, April 30 at 3 p.m. CEST. Pooja G N (India) and Marcelo Orias (USA) are also speakers at the event.  Register here.  This session will...

The ISN@Work Gallery Highlights a High-Achieving ISN Sister Renal Centers Partnership

Dr. Salusky and Dr. Agarwal with First Transplant Patient Laxmi Bhavani in November 2017 The University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), USA, and the Christian Medical College (CMC) in Vellore, India, were in an ISN Sister Renal Centers partnership from 2012-2017. They integrated a range of ISN granting programs within the collaboration to progress successfully...

New “Grand Rounds in Pediatric Nephrology” Program

The ISN, in partnership with the International Pediatric Nephrology Association (IPNA), is developing a case-based online teaching program in pediatric nephrology, “Grand Rounds in Pediatric Nephrology,” to support the training needs of active Sister Renal Centers (SRC) pairs and other centers in LMICs. Four Grand Round sessions will be broadcast throughout 2021. Additional editions may...

Only Two Weeks Left to Apply for an ISN Fellowship – Discover the Hybrid Program

The deadline to apply for an ISN Fellowship is May 1.   The ISN has developed a Hybrid Fellowship curriculum to complement ISN Fellows’ in-center training using online resources, now imperative due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Hybrid Fellowship curriculum comprises two phases: Online Fellowship Foundation Course (pre-application) Fellowship Online Components (during training at host center)   Phase 1 – ISN...

ISN CME Program Supports ISN Sister Renal Centers’ Virtual Symposium on AKI

The “Acute Kidney Injury Across Two Continents: An Anglo-Indian Virtual AKI Symposium” was held on March 5 and 6, 2021, organized by the ISN Sister Renal Centers (SRC) pair between the Nephrology Department at Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad, India (emerging center), and the Department of Renal Medicine, Heartlands Hospital Birmingham, UK (supporting center) currently at...

Support the Ravi Mehta Acute Kidney Injury Fellowship Fund

The ISN Ravi Mehta AKI Fellowship was set up in honor of Dr. Ravindra Mehtain in collaboration with his friends and colleagues to recognize his leadership and contribution to global health and education. The ISN invites you to make a financial contribution to the Ravi Mehta AKI Fellowship. Donations are used to: Support a Fellow: Training in Acute Kidney...

Support the Detlef Schlöndorff Fellowship Fund

To honor and sustain Detlef Schlöndorff’s commitment to training fellows, the ISN invites donations to the Detlef Schlöndorff Fellowship fund. Donate to the Detlef Schlöndorff Fellowship Fund. This fund provides training to one physician per year from an emerging country with the long-term objective of establishing nephrology leaders in the Fellow's home region to improve kidney...

Announcing Twenty Newly-Recognized ISN Regional Training Centers

Twenty healthcare centers were selected from the 2021 application for recognition as ISN Regional Training Centers (RTC) for a five-year renewable period. Currently, 21 centers in total have received ISN RTC status. These centers were selected by the ISN Core Programs Committee as institutions of excellence in low and middle-income countries to: Provide nephrology training to...

Introducing the ISN@Work Gallery

Professor Helal: A Decade of Professional Advancement through ISN Initiatives Prof. Helal’s professional journey is one of many to be showcased on the ISN@Work Gallery launching at WCN’21. This gallery will highlight several ISN members whose work and professional development have benefited from ISN granting programs, as well as those who tirelessly advocate to raise awareness...

Announcing the Winners of the ISN Fellowship Awards 2021

Every two years, at the occasion of the World Congress of Nephrology, the ISN Fellowship Committee recognizes a selection of recent and current ISN Fellows for their ongoing achievements. The ISN is pleased to announce three winners of the ISN Fellowship Awards 2021.  The ISN Fellowship Committee selected these winners based on the abstract accepted...

Narratives on ISN-ACT Clinical Trials Toolkit

To illustrate the ISN-ACT Clinical Trials Toolkit’s usability and facilitate understanding of important clinical trial methodologies, ISN-ACT Clinical Trials Toolkit subgroup members are developing a series of stories based on various toolkit topics. The first of these narratives, by Augusto Cesar Soares dos Santos and Brendan Smyth, outlines trial randomization methods through a fictional clinical...