
Connect Across the Globe to Build Mutual Learning Partnerships: Apply to Become an ISN Mentor

The ISN is currently welcoming applications from mentors. Apply here. The ISN has relaunched its Mentorship Program, an initiative to foster mutually beneficial learning partnerships across the globe. The program is open to doctors and associate healthcare professionals who are ISN members. Discover the Mentorship Program here. This initiative offers the chance for mentors to develop their...

Mentorship and Collaboration to Better Understand Childhood IgA Nephropathy

Alexandra CAMBIER, YNC member, associate professor of pediatric nephrology (MD-PhD), Sainte Justine Hospital, Montréal University Université de Paris, Paris, France ; Centre de Recherche sur L'inflammation (CRI); INSERM U1149, Paris, France IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is one of the most common forms of primary glomerulonephritis in children and adolescents worldwide [1]. In more than fifty percent of...

Build a Mutual Learning Partnership: Apply to Become an ISN Mentor

The ISN is relaunching its Mentorship Program, an initiative to foster mutually beneficial learning partnerships in nephrology. The program has expanded to include ISN members worldwide and is now open to associate healthcare professionals, as well as physicians. The program, led by Dr. Arpana Iyengar and Dr. Rolando Claure-Del Granado, connects professionals within the ISN...

Get Involved Globally: Apply to Become a Mentor in ISN’s New Mentorship Program

Build Mutually Beneficial Relationships Across the Globe: Apply to Become an ISN Mentor! The ISN is relaunching its Mentorship Program, now open to all ISN members. This program will foster mutually beneficial, worldwide one-to-one partnerships to advance global kidney care. Through the ISN Mentorship Program: Mentees receive professional guidance from experts Mentors further develop coaching and leadership skills. Initially, we are refreshing our...

ISN Mentorship Supports Researcher in India

Through the ISN Mentorship Program Priya Pais, at St John's National Academy of Health Sciences in Bangalore (India) connected with mentor Larry Greenbaum, from Atlanta's Emory University School of Medicine (USA). Guidance from her mentor helped her set clear foundations to write her research paper and prepare a grant proposal. Larry Greenbaum spent three days...

Managing Cameroon’s kidney disease patients

Victorine Bandolo Nzana, from Yaoundé University Teaching Hospital in Cameroon, was awarded an ISN-Salmasi Family Fellowship. Learning from staff at Chennai’s Madras Medical Mission Hospital in India, she broadened her knowledge of interventional nephrology, bridging the gaps in care for patients at the center and across the region. As a recognized ISN Training Center, the...