
ISN Calls for Urgent Prioritization of Dialysis Patients in COVID-19 Vaccination Programs

The ISN has written to the WHO requesting its support in convincing policymakers worldwide to immediately prioritize the vaccination of patients with advanced chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis. The request has been made in light of the recent ISN paper published in Kidney International, “The urgent need to vaccinate dialysis patients against SARS-CoV-2: A...

ISN Develops “Framework for Developing Dialysis Programs in Low-resource Settings”

As part of the ISN’s work plan as a non-state actor in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO), and with guidance and technical reviews provided by WHO staff, the ISN has developed the “Framework for Developing Dialysis Programs in Low-resource Settings”. The Framework, due to be launched at the World Congress of Nephrology...

ISN Urges Members of the 148th WHO Executive Board to Prioritize the Prevention and Treatment of Kidney Disease

The ISN participated in the 148th session of the WHO Executive Board, which took place virtually from January 18-26, 2021. The ISN submitted four statements on: Oral health and its correlation with kidney and cardiovascular diseases Social determinants of health Prevention and control of diabetes Read the full statements here. The first two statements, one of...

Statement by the International Society of Nephrology on Social Determinants of Health at the WHO 148th Executive Board

Honorable chair, distinguished delegates, The International Society of Nephrology (ISN) urges the WHO and member states to accelerate action to tackle the social determinants of health. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the highest risk comorbidity for severity of illness and death from COVID-191, and disproportionately affects the poor and disenfranchised. The social gradient impacts outcomes...

Statement by the Global Coalition for Circulatory Health supported by the International Society for Nephrology at the WHO 148th Executive Board

World Health Organization Executive Board 148th Session Agenda Item 6: Political declaration of the third high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases Oral Health As Members of the Global Coalition for Circulatory Health, the World Heart Federation, International Diabetes Federation, International Society for Nephrology, and World Stroke Organization thank you...

Bridging the Gaps: Your New, ISN Advocacy Quarterly Newsletter – January 2021

BRIDGING THE GAPS: ISN ADVOCACY TACKLES THE GLOBAL BURDEN OF KIDNEY DISEASE Welcome, members and allies, to the inaugural edition of Bridging the Gaps, the ISN’s quarterly update on how we’re advocating and collaborating with partners to tackle the global burden of kidney disease. As you know, about 850 million people worldwide have some sort of...

Statement by the International Diabetes Federation, supported by the Global Coalition for Circulatory Health and the NCD Alliance

Honorable chair, distinguished delegates, This statement is delivered on behalf of the International Diabetes Federation, the International Society of Nephrology, the World Heart Federation, the World Stroke Organization and the NCD Alliance. Circulatory diseases are the world’s number one cause of disability and mortality. Every year, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease and stroke are responsible for...

New! Bridging the Gaps – ISN’s Advocacy Newsletter

Look out for the first edition of ISN’s new quarterly newsletter in your inbox tomorrow. This new bulletin will focus on ISN’s advocacy initiatives and collaborations toward reducing the global burden of kidney diseases. The newsletter will highlight the favorable influence advocacy actions have on the kidney health agenda, the opportunities and challenges facing advocates, and...

Statement by the International Society of Nephrology on Oral Health at the WHO 148th Executive Board

Honorable chair, distinguished delegates, The International Society of Nephrology (ISN) welcomes the Director General’s report and supports its recommendations on how to achieve better oral health as part of the universal health coverage and noncommunicable disease agendas. Globally, more than 3.5 billion people suffer from oral diseases which disproportionally affect marginalized populations and those from a...

ISN Joins the Kidney Health Initiative

On January 7, 2021, the ISN became a member of the Kidney Health Initiative (KHI), a public-private partnership formed in 2012 by the American Society of Nephrology and the US Food and Drug Administration to enhance patient safety and foster innovation in the treatment of kidney diseases. KHI has more than 100 diverse and international...

ISN President Presents at Patient Support Group Conference

Kidney Warriors Foundation, India's largest kidney patient support group, held the virtual conference, “Patient Advocacy in kidney transplantation, renal diet and dialysis, for bringing uniform treatments and renal practices across major cities in India,” on December 20, 2020. Patient-centeredness is a central tenet of health care delivery: only patients can fully understand the challenges of...

ISN-DOPPS Launch Survey to Assess Impact of COVID-19 on Kidney Units

The ISN and the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS) Program at Arbor Research Collaborative for Health in Michigan, United States, are conducting a survey on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the care of patients undergoing chronic dialysis for the treatment of kidney failure. People with kidney diseases are particularly vulnerable to...

CORONATION: Upload Bulk Data to Register Patients Affected by COVID-19 on the Global COVID Registry

CORONATION, developed by the ISN in collaboration with the University of Cambridge, is the Coronavirus global observational registry, a data entry portal accessible to nephrologists worldwide to collect anonymous data on individual people with kidney disease and the COVID-19 infection. The initiative was set up in response to the growing need to gather data to...

World Kidney Day (WKD) 2021: Social Media Toolkit and Resource Library Available Now

The World Kidney Day (WKD) 2021 social media toolkit is now available on the WKD website. The toolkit contains information and resources to develop your social media campaign to raise awareness of kidney health and spread WKD’s message: Living well with kidney disease. The toolkit proposes ideas to help you create your own social media campaign, including visuals...

European Commission’s Pharmaceutical Strategy to Tackle Unmet Kidney Care Needs

The ISN welcomes the European Commission’s “Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe,” released on November 25, 2020. Aspects of the strategy’s objectives are reflective of ISN’s vision of equitable access to kidney health and include: Re-thinking policies to stimulate innovation in areas of need, and patient-centered, health system-oriented pharmaceutical innovation to address long-term care settings. Investing in research and...