Author - Reema Parmar

Submit an Abstract for the 2021 Frontiers Meeting

“Complement-Related Kidney Diseases: Classification, Genetics, and Treatment.” Are you involved in the field of complement-mediated kidney diseases? Don’t miss this opportunity to speed up research and drug development in your area of specialization: Submit an abstract for the 2021 Frontiers Meeting! Abstract submissions open on October 5, 2020. Why submit an abstract? To share your research with colleagues and...

Stay Connected: Share Your Kidney Care Story

Show your short film at the  ISN Community Film Event! How have your patients coped with a kidney disease diagnosis? How was your medical team able to provide optimal care to kidney patients? Submit a film that informs or reflects on kidney disease's impact on patients and dedicated healthcare professionals in your community. A jury will select submissions to...

Apply for an ISN Travel Grant to Attend WCN’21

The World Congress of Nephrology 2021 (WCN’21) organizers are pleased to offer a Travel Grant Program for online or in-person attendance to WCN’21. The grants are available to ISN members residing in low and lower-middle income countries (consult the list of eligible countries). These grants support equitable access to ISN learning and networking opportunities. In-person WCN’21 Travel...

ISN to Contribute to WHO Regional Committee Meetings

The ISN continues to strengthen its collaboration with the World Health Organization during the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, besides attending the World Health Assembly, the ISN will participate in the 72nd Session of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas and the 71st session of the World Health Organization Regional Committee for the Western...

Global Trials Focus

Every month the ISN-ACT Team lists interesting new randomized controlled trials from around the world. Highlight: Diltiazem may be superior to nifedipine for post-partum hypertension in pregnancy. See the latest trials here. From October 2020, the GTF will be available in French, Spanish, Arabic, and Mandarin. Would you like to support equal access to nephrology research? Become an ISN...

ISN 0by25 Initiative Recognized for Academic-Scientific Merit

Dr. Rolando Claure Del Granado and colleagues involved in the ISN 0by25 initiative in Bolivia Every year, the Scientific Committee of the Medical College of Bolivia awards outstanding studies and investigators that significantly impact the local population. This year, the jury recognized the academic and research activities of Dr. Rolando Claure Del Granado and selected the...

Submit a Session proposal on COVID-19 for the World Congress of Nephrology 2021

The deadline is October 8, 2020. The unprecedented impact of COVID-19 on kidney patients and services worldwide will be addressed in the scientific program of the World Congress of Nephrology 2021. The Scientific Program Working Group is preparing focused sessions covering the latest findings and insights on the coronavirus and its impact on kidney health. We welcome...

Help Empower Kidney Patients: CELEBRATE World Kidney Day 2021

World Kidney Day (WKD) 2021 takes place on Thursday, March 11. The 2021 campaign will focus on, “Kidney Health for Everyone, Everywhere - Living Well with Kidney Disease.” Initiatives will concentrate on raising awareness of effective symptom-management to improve patients’ quality of life and encouraging patient self-empowerment to ensure that people with kidney diseases can...

An ISN Fellow’s Journey Continues Back in Tanzania and Virtually

Dr. Amar Swali Performs a USG-guided percutaneous kidney biopsy at Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital Dr. Amar Swali, from Dar-es-Salaam in Tanzania, is an ISN Fellow who has been receiving training at the Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital in Nadiad, Gujarat, India, since mid-October 2019. Dr. Amar affirms that he has surpassed his initial goals during the fellowship....

Expanding the ISN Network: New Affiliated Societies

The ISN welcomes two new Affiliated Societies, the Peruvian Association of Vascular Access (APDAV) and the Guinean Society of Nephrology (SGN). The ISN is proud to work alongside an international community of 104 Affiliated Societies dedicated to advancing global kidney care together. The ISN looks forward to collaborating with all these organizations to achieve its goal...

Join the ISN Middle East Regional Board Webinar on COVID-19

The ISN Middle East Regional Board will hold the webinar, “COVID-19 and the Kidneys in the Middle East Countries,” at 9 a.m. CEST on October 1, 2020. See the full schedule, speaker bios, and register for the webinar here. The webinar, which includes a question and answer session, will discuss: The epidemiology of the coronavirus in kidney...

Connect 2020: First ISN South Asia Regional Board Conference

The ISN South Asia Regional Board (SARB) held virtually its first two-day conference on September 26 and 27: “CONNECT - 2020 Conference on Nephrology advances and Newer and Emerging Concepts in Transplantation.” Download the conference brochure here. 534 attended the event on day one, and 474 on day two to follow a series of live talks ranging...

The ISN Presents Evidence to the UK Committee on the Science of COVID-19

Professor Donal O’Donoghue, Chair of the ISN’s Advocacy Working Group, was among a distinguished panel of experts who gave evidence at the House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee hearing on the Science of COVID-19 in the UK. Presenting at the beginning of the virtual session on Tuesday, September 15, Professor O’Donoghue outlined the...

ISN Member Special Registration Rate for APCN 2020

This discount code is valid only until September 20, 2020. The 18th Asian Pacific Congress of Nephrology (APCN 2020) takes place from October 2 - 4, 2020 in a FULLY VIRTUAL format under the theme: Combating CKD in the Asia Pacific: Local Strategies for a Global Problem The congress features world-class plenary speakers, including: 2019 Nobel Laureate in...

International Perspectives on Patient Involvement in Clinical Trials in Nephrology

The involvement of patients in nephrology clinical trials is limited despite their ability to prioritize research, help with study design, participation, and implementation of results. The aim of this position paper is to review the need for and challenges of patient involvement; to assess the present situation of patient involvement; and to describe the...

Listen to Episode 5 of the ISN Global Kidney Care Podcast

Vivek Jha, ISN President, presents an overview of how COVID-19 has impacted the global nephrology community and what ISN is doing to lead the global fight against the pandemic. Fergus Caskey, ISN Treasurer-Secretary (interim), outlines a data collection initiative to help understand the current and future challenges related to kidney diseases and COVID-19 and how...

ISN Session at KSN 2020: Join Colleagues Online

The 40th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Nephrology (KSN) will take place from September 25-27, 2020. Because of ongoing uncertainties due to COVID-19, the KSN 2020 will be virtual. Representing ISN participation, ISN President Vivek Jha will present his talk, ‘Immuno-pathogenesis and precision medicine in membranous nephropathy’ on September 25 from 15:30-16:00 Korean...

SRC and STC Pairs Continue their Work Virtually Despite COVID-19 Epidemic

Despite global restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Sister Renal Centers (SRC) and Sister Transplant Centers (ISN-TTS STC) partnerships have continued to collaborate within the programs over the last few months through interactive webinars. Recordings of these sessions are available for ISN members on the ISN Academy. Health professionals at the University Hospital Center in...

The ISN Welcomes New Collective Member Societies

The Malaysian Society of Nephrology (MSN) and the Korean Society of Nephrology (KSN) have joined the ISN as Collective Member Societies, further strengthening a mutual commitment to the advancement of kidney care in Asia. We sincerely thank the leadership of both societies (Drs. Gafor, Mishahar, and Bavannandan from MSN; and Drs. Yang and Kim...