Author - jbrown

The ISN Welcomes 15 New ISN Interventional Nephrology Scholars

Find the list of successful candidates here. These doctors will receive training in interventional nephrology (IN) for one to three months at an ISN Interventional Nephrology Training Centre. After training, they will use their new skills to help improve kidney care in their home region. IN trainees complete an online course on interventional nephrology on the ISN...

Congratulations to Contributing Authors, Editors and Reviewers of the ISN Journals on Their Outstanding 2021 Impact Factors

Last week, the 2021 impact factors (IF) were released in Clarivate’s Journal Citation Reports (JCR). KI remains the top-ranked nephrology journal publishing original research. IFs and ranks in the JCR urology & nephrology category: Kidney International’s 2021 Impact Factor is 18.998, an increase over the 2020 IF of 10.612. KI ranks 3/90 journals in the JCR Science...

The ISN Supports South Africa Renal Association Congress – Apply for Support from the CME Program for Your Congress

Delegates at the South Africa Renal Association Congress   The ISN recently supported Wesam Ismail, chair of the ISN Renal Pathology Working Group and African Regional Board Member, to present a talk on basic histology and laboratory practice at the South Africa Renal Congress 2022, Durban, South Africa. Presenting virtually, ISN Past President Vivek Jha gave the...

Join Webinar Sessions to Meet Sister Centers Programs Leaders and Get Tips On Applying to the Program

The Sister Centers Programs partner kidney and transplant  centers in low-resource countries with established centers so they can benefit from educational support and collaborate to improve kidney care. Leaders of the ISN Sister Renal Centers Program, ISN-TTS Sister Transplant Centers Program, and the ISN Program staff will host two upcoming webinar sessions* to answer your...

The 2023 WKD Theme is Out! Share Your Feedback on the 2022 Campaign

The World Kidney Day (WKD) theme for 2023 is: Kidney Health for All - Preparing for the unexpected, supporting the vulnerable!  The 2023 campaign launches in September. Give your feedback on the 2022 WKD campaign! Your feedback helps WKD become an even more powerful platform for raising awareness of the importance of our kidneys. The survey takes only three minutes to...

Register Now for the ISN Frontiers “Infections and the Kidneys” Webinar: Advances in Infectious Disease Diagnostics; July 8, 2 p.m. CEST

Find out more and register here. Organized in collaboration with the Indian Society of Nephrology, the webinar is the second such broadcast in the lead-up to the specialized scientific program planned for the ISN Frontiers Meeting “Infections and the Kidneys, New Delhi, September 22 to 25. Infection frequently occurs in nephrology and kidney transplant practice. New point-of-care...

Listen to the Latest ISN Podcast, “Cochrane Kidney and Transplant: Past, Present and Future”

Listen to the podcast here. Cochrane Kidney and Transplant are involved in evaluating the care of patients with kidney disease and with complications of diabetes and hypertension. They also assess ways of managing problems associated with interventions for kidney diseases. Find out more by tuning into the latest ISN podcast to join Roberto Pecoits-Filho and Smeeta Sinha...

Patient Advocate Climbs Malaysia’s Highest Mountain to Promote Organ Donation

Mr. Manvir Victor and other kidney transplant recipients at the summit of Mount Kinabalu in Malaysis   Please join us in congratulating Mr. Manvir Victor, immediate past chair of the ISN Patient Liaison Advisory Group, who has recently succeeded in climbing Malaysia’s tallest peak to raise awareness of the importance of organ donation in the country. Mr....

Two Weeks Left to Register at the Early Bird Rate for the ISN Frontiers Meeting on Infections and the Kidney in New Delhi

The ISN Frontiers Meeting in New Delhi, India will take place from September 22-25, 2022. The theme is bi-directional relationships between infections and kidney diseases. Register for the meeting at a special price by midnight CEST, June 23, 2022, here. Infections can cause acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease, and all patients with kidney diseases,...

Join the ISN for Symposium on Precision Medicine and Prevention of Chronic Disease at the World NCD Congress 2022

The World NCD Congress 2022 is a free virtual event from June 9-11, 2022, Eastern Standard Time. The event is hosted by the University of Michigan Medical School and the World NCD Federation. The theme of this second edition of the congress is ‘Prioritizing Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases: Taking Data and Knowledge to Action.’ The...

Mentee Acquires Proficiency in Kidney Biopsy Slide Interpretation Through the ISN Mentorship Program

Mentee Dr. Adeyemo Abiodun Mentee Dr. Adeyemo Abiodun from the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital in Nigeria has completed his first mentorship exchange through the ISN Mentorship Program. Dr. Abiodun's main objective within the mentor-mentee partnership was to improve his clinical skills in diagnosing renal diseases, notably hypertension and chronic glomerulonephritis, two common causes of chronic...

Improved Kidney Biopsy and CKD Treatment in Vietnam Through the ISN Sister Renal Centers Program

A Vietnamese nurse surveys endotoxins in dialysate in the hemodialysis unit at BMH The Bach Mai Hospital (BMH) in Vietnam received training and guidance from the National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM) in Japan during their six-year collaboration through the ISN Sister Renal Centers Program and has now graduated from the program. Dr....

ISN International Consortium CKDu Collaborators (ISN i3C) Network Meeting Affirms Need to Build Capacity for Kidney Biopsies in CKDu Within Ethical Framework

Held in May, the meeting brought together 40 members of the ISN i3C (International Consortium CKDu Collaborators) network and the ISN Renal Pathology Working Group The meeting highlighted the need to increase kidney biopsies in CKDu (chronic kidney disease of unknown origin) and improve biopsy preservation.  Three ISN i3C network members presented: Richard Johnson outlined the usefulness of kidney...

The YNC Expands: New Members, Network, and Subcommittees

New Young Nephrologists Committee members (top row): Ahad Qayyum, Andrea Viecelli, Anna Petrova; (bottom row): Krissia Wallbach-Massai, Wilmer Jim Escobar Torres and Zdenka Hruskova Changes in Young Leadership at the ISN YNC The Young Nephrologists Committee (YNC) is excited to welcome several new members to the team: Ahad Qayyum (Pakistan) Andrea Viecelli (Australia) Anna Petrova (Ukraine) Zdenka Hruskova (Czech Republic) Krissia...

Deceased Donor Kidney Discard, the Tight-knit Nephrology Community and Paying it Forward: Sumit Mohan on his Career Path to Award-Winning Research

Dr. Sumit Mohan, deputy editor of Kidney International Reports, is a professor of medicine and epidemiology at Columbia University. His research findings have helped improve access to kidney transplants and positively impacted public policies for patients with kidney disease. In recognition of these achievements, Dr. Mohan received the National Kidney Foundation (NFK) Excellence in Transplantation Award...

Ten Participants Receive Expert Guidance at the Ongoing ISN Online Scientific Writing Course

The ISN Online Scientific Writing Course, cohosted by Sociedad Latinoamericana de Nefrología e Hipertensión (SLANH), is currently holding its second edition, running live sessions on each of the four Saturdays in May. The course, held in English, brings young researchers from the Latin American region closer to their goal of getting published as they receive exclusive, one-to-one tutoring...

How are Planetary Health, Biodiversity and Sustainable Healthcare Connected? Register to Learn More

The webinar "Planetary Health, Biodiversity and Sustainable Healthcare," supporting the ISN Frontiers Meeting “Infections and the Kidneys,” will take place at 2 p.m. CEST on Tuesday, May 17. Register for the webinar here. Join Vivekanand Jha, Sunita Bavanandan and Peter J. Blankestijn to explore this timely topic, which is highly relevant to the future of kidney...

Discover the Most Innovative 2022 WKD Celebrations

The enthusiasm and innovation of participants engaging in World Kidney Day (WKD) celebrations continue to inspire. Visit the Best Ideas page on the WKD website to find out more on: A group of Kidney Donors Athletes (KDA) who climbed Mount Kilimanjaro. The Iranian Society of Nephrology quizzing pedestrians on their kidney knowledge, plus their series of educational videos. The Espace...

Seeking Your Nominations: ISN 2023 Awards!

We al have friends or colleagues whose work deserves international recognition. Are you an ISN member? You can help recognize such work globally by submitting a nomination for an ISN Award! Nominations are accepted for consideration from May 16 - August 29, 2022. Send all nominations, supporting materials, and questions to the awards coordinator. Although you...

Are You Involved in CKDu Research? Explore Ongoing Studies and Share Your Data on the ISN Observatory of CKDu 

The ISN Observatory of CKDu is a catalog where researchers can submit their findings or view other studies. This system facilitates global collaboration and data exchange, enabling researchers to know what studies are ongoing at any given time. The initiative was developed by the ISN i3C (International Consortium CKDu Collaborators) working group as part of...