Author - ISN admin

AKI CRRT 2020: Join Colleagues Online

The 4th Asia Pacific AKI CRRT conference will take place from December 13-15, 2020, in Bangkok, Thailand. The event is presented by the Nephrology Society of Thailand (NST) and the Thai Society of Critical Care Medicine and CRRT Inc., in collaboration with the ISN, the Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology (APSN), the Kidney Foundation of...

Renal Consultant Reports on Dealing with the UK’s Second COVID-19 Wave

Read the full report, “The changing faces and places of renal medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic” here. James Tollitt, a renal consultant at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, a large teaching hospital in the North West of the United Kingdom, describes challenges experienced during the second wave of the pandemic and the solutions implemented in...

Abstract Submission platform to remain accessible until Monday, November 30 (10:00am CET)

We appreciate the great number of abstracts already submitted, confirming that Virtual WCN’21 will be a vibrant meeting for learning and exchange in 2021. To accommodate a number of requests, the submission platform will remain accessible over the coming days. If you have missed the deadline to make your submissions, you still have a...

Kidney International and COVID-19; Dedicated Issue and e-Digest

Don’t miss the December issue of Kidney International dedicated to the COVID-19 pandemic. The special edition will include original papers presenting data from recent studies involving large sample sizes. Conclusions from the studies will be highlighted by accompanying commentary from Dan Weiner and Caroline Hsu from Tufts Medical Center in Boston, USA, and Toby Coates,...


82 Hours Remaining to Present Your Work to a Worldwide Audience Last year, ~1000 abstracts were showcased in Kidney International Reports. Would you like to be published in the April 2021 edition? Kidney International Reports publishes all selected abstracts. Selected abstracts will be presented as e-posters on the virtual congress platform throughout the event and for several weeks afterward. Poster...

ISN President Encourages Patient-Centric NCD Policies

ISN President, Vivekanand Jha, spoke at the online event “Leaving No-one Behind: The Need for a Person-Centred, Inclusive NCD Agenda Confirmation” organized by the NCD Alliance on November 5, 2020. This roundtable event focused on the challenges of the current NCD response and key opportunities and solutions to go beyond a siloed NCD agenda, notably...

ISN Urges Continued Efforts to Prioritize NCDs at World Health Assembly

The ISN participated in the resumed 73rd World Health Assembly (WHA) organized by the WHO, which took place virtually from November 9-14, 2020. The ISN submitted three statements focusing on: The prevention and control of kidney disease and other NCDs. Maternal, infant, and young child nutrition. WHO’s work in health emergencies. Recordings of the sessions, including the statements presented...

Obituary: Dr. Anthony Jude Omolo Were (1956-2020)

We announce with deep sadness the passing of Dr. Anthony J.O. Were, President of the African Association of Nephrology (AFRAN), Head of Kenyatta National Hospital Renal Unit, Deputy Director of the East African Kidney Institute, and a wonderful colleague. Dr. Were demonstrated a commitment to excellence, service, and friendship to all across Africa. Determined to...

ISN to Attend American Kidney Fund Summit: Addressing the Unknown Cause of Kidney Disease

The ISN is participating in a summit organized by the American Kidney Fund (AKF) to plan strategies to improve understanding of how undiagnosed or misdiagnosed causes of kidney disease directly impact patient care and outcomes. The virtual event will take place on December 1 from 12 – 4 p.m. ET. The summit will include participation...

Paper on Kidney Failure in Samoa Published by ISN SRC Emerging Center Doctor

The National Kidney Foundation of Samoa (NKFS) provides the only government-funded dialysis service in the Pacific. In early 2020, with the aid of Dr. David Voss, an ISN Sister Renal Centers partnership was established between NKFS and Middlemore Hospital in Auckland. Senior staff at the dialysis unit in Samoa Dr. Malama Tafuna’i, from the emerging center,...

2019 ISN GKHA Survey Results on Disparities in Kidney Care Featured in Publications

The ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas (GKHA) aims to improve understandings of inter-and intra-national variability worldwide in terms of the capacity to deliver care for patients with kidney diseases. The 2019 GKHA survey used the WHO universal health coverage (UHC) domains, which summarize and compare the availability, accessibility, and affordability of high-quality care for patients...

Global Trials Focus

Every month the ISN-ACT Team lists interesting new randomized controlled trials (RCTs) from around the world. Highlight: SGLT-2 inhibition strikes again Dapagliflozin in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease See the latest trials here. A summary of the highlighted trial is now available in French, Mandarin, and Spanish. Support equal access to nephrology research: Become an ISN Member!

Statement by the International Society of Nephrology on delivering essential services to affected populations during health emergencies, at the 73rd edition of World Health Assembly

The International Society of Nephrology (ISN) congratulates the WHO on its work delivering essential services to affected populations during health emergencies. People living with kidney disease are extremely vulnerable during health crises, being at higher risk of contracting more severe illnesses. Indeed, those requiring dialysis tend to have weaker immune systems, which makes it harder...

Statement by the International Society of Nephrology on behalf of the Global Coalition for Circulatory Health at the 73rd edition of World Health Assembly

Given the disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people living with NCDs and circulatory conditions such as kidney disease, diabetes, CVD, and stroke, the International Society of Nephrology, International Diabetes Federation, World Heart Federation, and World Stroke Organization reiterate our support for Political Declaration (A73/5) on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases. As...

Statement by the International Society of Nephrology on maternal, fetal and child nutrition at the 73rd edition of World Health Assembly

Given the strong association between poor maternal, fetal and child nutrition, and an increased risk of kidney disease in adult life, the International Society of Nephrology welcomes the adoption of the World Health Organization Decision EB146(20) on maternal, infant and young child nutrition. Poor maternal health and nutrition before and during pregnancies can have adverse...

ISN Welcomes its First Emerging Leaders Cohort

The ISN received many worthy applications for its new Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) and is now pleased to announce that the ELP Steering Committee has selected 14 applicants from 12 countries to form the first Emerging Leaders Cohort. Over the coming months, the cohort will take part in a series of joint activities on collaborative...

ASN, ERA-EDTA, ISN Kidney Ethics Webinar Series: Ethics in Kidney Care

Ethics is a dynamic concept; practices and standards vary widely around the world. Ethics in kidney care outlines ten broad areas of ethical concern identified as priority challenges requiring collaborative action by the American Society of Nephrology (ASN), the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA), and the International Society of Nephrology (ISN)...