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Raising the Profile of Kidney Disease: ISN Advocates for Global Awareness at UNGA – Sign and Share the Petition!

In September, the ISN had a powerful presence at UNGA79, successfully raising awareness of the human and economic burden of kidney disease while garnering support from Member States to promote kidney health within the broader noncommunicable disease (NCD) agenda.

The ISN’s aims at the event were threefold:

  • Raise awareness about the urgent need to prioritize kidney disease in global health policies, stressing its silent progression and rising death toll
  • Engage policymakers in discussions linking kidney disease to other NCDs and advocating for integrated health policies at UNGA panels
  • Encourage action from government delegates to sign the pledge and support the ISN’s global petition urging for stronger measures to help improve outcomes for those living with kidney diseases

The ISN’s petition intends to encourage UN Member States to urge the World Health Organization to prioritize a kidney health resolution.

Help the ISN send a strong message to governments worldwide! We’re aiming for 1 million signatures by the end of the year.

Sign and share the petition today!



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