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Share Your Experience to Improve Care for Patients Receiving Transplants Abroad

The ISN invites you to participate in an important anonymous online survey, “International Travel for Organ Transplantation: Surveying Professionals’ Experience,” led by Professor Dominique Martin and Dr. Georgina Irish from Deakin University and the University of Adelaide, Australia.

Complete the survey in:

This study builds on a pilot survey conducted in 2022 with findings recently published in Transplantation Direct.

This new survey focuses on transplant professionals’ recent experiences providing care to patients who have traveled internationally for organ donation or transplantation, including lawful and ethical transplants.

The data will be used to assess and monitor trends in international travel for organ transplantation, complementing formal data collection efforts such as those of the WHO Global Observatory. This survey will be repeated every two years to track trends over time.

The survey has received ethics approval from the University of Adelaide. Download the Participant Information Sheet for more information.

The survey closes on December 15, 2024. The ISN encourages all to share this information with professional colleagues and networks – your insights are crucial to enhancing our understanding of transplant care worldwide.

Thank you for your contribution!

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